Sorry to tell you your opinion doesnt matter to us- (bh)

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recommendation by: Marialouisa__X

Bettys POV:
The Northside, born and raised.
I hate it. perfection, pushing. one thing wrong in their eyes and your the next south side "trash". I'd much rather belong in the south side where they are a family a community, home to my boyfriend, Jughead Jones. gosh he's the most perfect thing i've ever seen. his wavy black hair, olive skin tone. we only are public about our relationship in the Southside AKA my time in the "library" as i tell my parents and friends. they were at first hesitant and were closed off but after a few months they were very accepting! I head into the serpent bar and go to the bar to see Toni, "Hey Toni! what's up?""Nothing much! has Jughead told you the news?" "News? What news?" just as Toni was about to say something just the man we were talking about walks right in. I gleam. he's just a face i can't look at without smiling. "Well hello there what are you two girls talking about" he wraps his hand around my waist, I turn so we are torso to torso, "oh nothing much lover boy just girl drama... like how there is some news you should tell me?" he looks confused and then just as a light bulb went off sweetpea and fangs walk in "Betty! can you believe it Riverdale High? Serpents and Bulldogs mixing, this will be fun" the both laugh and smack each other at the shoulder, i raise my eyebrows "Wait, Southside High shut down?" Jug nodded "yep, drug infestation, not enough teachers. not too sure about the specifics but it was bound to happen." i giggle at his remarks and he glances towards me with a smirk "well, at least i won't have to be so far from you now." i cringe "juggie, i don't know how my friends will react. you know them, judgmental, controlling."  he sighs, "i know i know i was just hopping that you know, we can push that aside for our happiness. not that sneaking around isn't mysteriously sexy, i just want to be open" i contemplate and i sigh, if they were truly my friends they would be happy for us. i rub my eyes, the fact of my relationship shouldn't be this tiring, i love jug and that's all i need to be convinced about the truth. i nod "let's do it, when do you guys start?" toni states, "tomorrow!" oh great. i nod my head. well i have to head home, being at the library only works for a limited amount of time. i kiss juggie good by and hug him for a solid 5 minutes before we part and i wave goodbye to toni, fangs, and sweetpea.

Jugheads POV:
I sigh, here goes nothing. The Serpents walk through the doors to see a welcoming table with three people standing behind a table, three people i vividly recognize due to Bettys photos and rant about them. the first one all the way to the left is Josie McCoy, she's the head of the Pussycats and a accounted "Superstar" here in Riverdale. Next one straight in the middle is Cheryl Blossom. a straight a class bitch. it's either her way or complete death. But i tend to look back on her bitch facade to realize it's her way of lashing out due to her family issue and Jason's (her twin) death. All the way to the right is Veronica Lodge. She's the V to Bettys B. I can deal with her more then
Cheryl but i feel like she wouldn't be to happy about Betty hiding our relationship. As we head up to the registration table Josie McCoy screams everyone in a two to three foot distance looks at her "MY DAD WANTS ME TO GO ON TOUR WITH HIM! SORRY GIRLS BUT I HAVE TO GO SEE HIM!" she runs out of the school not even bothering to sign out i guess that's what you can do when your mom is the mayor. Cheryl groans, "great! how are we going to handle the rat infestation with one person down!" Toni tried to step out to come back with something but we signal her it's not worth it. Veronica pipes up, "I will call B don't worry she's always willing to help god bless her soul" Betty. god just the person i wanted to see. A few moments later of just standing there I hear someone walk up, and "V what's so important? you texted me like someone died." "B! thank god! Josie bailed on us last minute and we really need a third tour guide." she slowly makes her eyes meet our, for a split second i seriously thought she was going to act like she didn't know us, but she gleamed her beautiful smile and jumped into my arms, "Juggie!" a hugged her right back "Well hello princess" we look over to see Veronica and Cheryl glare over here, "Um B care why you just jumped onto a SERPENT" Betty frowns a bit and i put my hand on her back for comfort telling her i'm here no matter what, she sighs and starts "V, this is my boyfriend Jughead! and his- OUR friends! Sweetpea, Toni, Fangs..." Cheryl steps in, "FRIENDS? No no no see cousin-" God sometimes i forget their cousins "you cant be a northsider and southsider, i don't know what stockholm syndrome you have going on but hopefully your cleared enough to understand that these people or poor, disgusting, dangerous dirt bags." this is where i step in because i see Betty struggling what friends they are. "Look sorry to be interrupting terrible friend talk but your opinion doesn't matter to us. never has never will. Betty and I have a perfectly NORMAL and healthy relationship and we don't need you guys butting in. i turn to Betty, and grin. "Why don't you say we blow this place and head to Pops for some lunch." she giggles and nods. I grab her waist protectively and walk out of the school, not even bothered to sign out.

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