vi. "How am I supposed to move on?"

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[A/N] Thank you, MissBee (Quotev), for this idea- I was going to write this in a more mature way but someone IRL knows about this so, we're not going to do that (if you're reading this, hi- don't tell anyone) Finishing some prompts then we're back to the story.

Warning: Mature themes.


When the Inazaraki twins met the pink-haired boy, there was an attraction. Osamu and Atsumu felt like they found their third brain cell. They got along despite being on the opposite team.

Like other normal people, Atsumu found Sora beautiful. His heart drops when his brown eyes connect with mesmerizing purple ones. He swallows when they turn into crescents as a smile that warms his heart spreads on the other's face. Atsumu wasn't blind. He had a lot of competition. A boy like Sora can bend anyone at his will and Atsumu was one of them.

Atsumu knew that Osamu felt the same. They were twins after all. They were different as they were the same. The brothers shared a glance and Atsumu smirked at Osamu. He walked towards Sora as his brother's glare deepened.

"Sora!" Atsumu called, not breaking eye contact with his brother.

"Atsu...huh?" Sora blinked, a hand flying to his cheek.

"Oi!" Sugawara shouted, enraged.

Atsumu dunked as his brother threw a ball straight to his face. He laughed at the chaos he caused, ignoring his crazy heart and his warm ears.


Atsumu raised his eyebrows at the duo walking towards him. Who knew that the Magician was into cooking?

He ran in front of them and squinted at the confused pink-haired boy and his annoyed brother. "Sora, you cook?"

Sora grinned, pink hair fluttering as the wind passed by. "Yea, my grandma taught me how."

"Cook for me sometime?" Atsumu smirked, walking backward while trying to convince the other.

"Sure, Atsumu- Uh, better watch out there's a pole-

"Yes!" Atsumu excitedly turned around and bump his face right exactly at a pole.

"Idiot," Osamu chuckled, grabbing Sora's hand as they move towards the Miya's house.

Atsumu cursed his twin as he rubbed the pain off his face.


"You got a piercing, Asumu?" Kosaku Yuto asked.

"Yea, I look cool- don't I?"

"You look like that kid Teru-uh Yu-something-"

"No, he looks like that Korean guy Sangwoo-" Suna replied before getting cut off by the blonde. ('..You know that webtoon?' Osamu wondered)

"Huh?" Atsumu looked at his lunch in confusion.


"Why does mine look different?" Atsumu frowned at his brother's lunch. It looked more appetizing and colorful.

"Do you have a problem with my cooking?" Osamu asked, glancing at his brother as he chews on his lunch.

"No," Atsumu felt odd. He doesn't know why. "I have a problem about it being unfair."

"Cook your own next time then, you lazy pig." "I'm the pig?!"

"You got a girlfriend?" Aran suddenly asked the gray-haired twin causing him to choke on his food. He knew that Osamu's bento wasn't his usual cooking. It was too healthy.

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