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Sugawara sighed, he really should have known. After the eventful first day of his second year, not a single strand of the pink-haired wing spiker was seen. Honestly, they didn't really try hard to find him. Classes were much harder and training felt a lot exhausting than before. 'At least, there is something to look forward to,' he thought as he watched the new members struggle under the coach's screams.

During the break, Tanaka Ryunosuke and Nishinoya Yuu both stared blankly at their fellow first year. Ennoshita felt their stare and couldn't help but sweat harder. 'What do they want?' he cursed internally.

"Oi," Suga passed by and slapped the two at their backs to gain their attention. "Why are you staring at him like that?"

"He's friends with that guy from the basketball team," Tanaka murmured. Ever since that boy joined the basketball team, the girls in his class were going crazy. They weren't like in the first few weeks! They actually were friendly, now all they do was gossip and follow him around.

"Tch," Noya sniffed. He hasn't seen the other guy yet but he heard a lot about him except for his name. 'Prince this, prince that. Tch.'

"Who?" Suga asked, mildly intrigued. He heard about the progress of the basketball team, but didn't really look into it because volleyball is the best!

"M-" "He's going to pick you up today!" Tanaka was cut off by the screams of the other two new recruits, Kinoshita Hisashi and Narita Kazuhito. They wanted to befriend the said boy. They thought he was really cool and mysterious. The class of 1-4 was keen on protecting their prince, to the point where they looked like a cult.

The scream got the attention of the other first years and they rushed off to circle around the brown-haired boy. Suga looked alarmed at their reactions but laughed it off. They shouted, "We must protect Kiyoko-san!"

"Yea? He wanted to get ice cream after practice..." Ennoshita doesn't know the big deal was. 'Sure, Sora is handsome, smart, rich, and athletic.... Ah,' he deadpanned. The world does not how clumsy, flirty and a big eater the prince was.

"You brats! Go back to practice!" Their third-year captain screamed, breaking the conversation.


Sugawara finished cleaning up the club room when Daichi barged in. "What happened?" He asked at his wide-eyed friend.

Instead of answering, Daichi grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room towards the gym. The first years continued their conversation, wanting to join Ennoshita in hanging out with the basketball player. When Daichi heard the player's name, he shared a glance with Asahi.

"Daichi?" Suga wondered what could have happened to get his friend this agitated. They stopped at the group. 'Huh? They should be heading home by now.'

"Chika-kun~" a melodic voice shouted from afar. Everyone turned towards it and saw a tall handsome pink-haired male, joyfully running towards them. They froze at the sight. 'Chika?'

"That's me," Ennoshita sighed at his friend's antics and waved him over. The first and second-year members of the volleyball team gaped at the two.

Sugawara watched as the ex-Shiratorizawa Junior High ran over his teammate and pulled him in a side hug. 'It's him!' His face felt warmer all of a sudden.

"Oh?" Sora looked over the gaping volleyball team, removing himself from Ennoshita (thankfully). "Hello, I'm Momoi Sora. I come in peace to take Chika-kun for ice cream," he introduced himself, bowing and throwing a peach sign (just in case, he knows his reputation among the male population within the school).

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