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Sora panted. Once more, he had to prove himself. He hated the feeling of wanting to dominate the court and perfectly placing everyone as if they were his chess pieces and nothing more. 'No, I'm no longer that person. I trust them. Set your priorities straight, idiot.'

He dribbled the ball, walking slowly as he scanned the court. Every position, posture, and movement, he took notice of them. His brain processing every information as quickly as he sees them. He knows that by the end of this he'll be exhausted, both mentally and physically. He noted to himself to work on his stamina more.

'There,' he saw an opening. The point guard quickly ran, passing two people who stood there in awe of his aura and speed.

"Let's go," he signaled as he goes towards the end of the court. He heard shouts of confirmation from his teammates, already knowing his plan. Finally, finding the right position, he grinned at the boy in front of him who gulped nervously but his eyes flashed in determination.

"Huh? Where's the blonde?" One of the players from the other team asked. He then heard his name being called and turned around too late, the ball was already shot towards the basket. Another three points for Team Momo. 'What?'


Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita watched as their fellow first years dominate the basketball court. They finally saw the well-known Magician play in a court albeit not a volleyball one. They finally understand why their teammates, no... their friends wanted to play alongside and against the boy. The three, however, already decided to quit the volleyball team.

Ennoshita was happy that when he joined the volleyball team, it wasn't as difficult from the rumors he had heard as the old coach was gone. That changed, however, when the old man Ukai returned from retirement. Alongside the other two, they started skipping practice. This was the only time where they decided to visit Sora in the basketball gym. The dark-haired boy still had not told his friend about his dilemma, not wanting the other to worry and be disappointed with him. He knew Sora was getting busier and more stressed out as the basketball competition gets closer. His friend was finally going to confront his past. He watched as Sora laughed and ruffled Katsuki's hair, making the other boy punch the pink-haired male's stomach. He wonders if they'll also have those moments on the court.

"We should go back."


Another basketball practice just finished. Katsuki and Sora were about to leave the gym but the ash-blonde noticed someone.

"Ennoshita?" Katsuki muttered, grabbing Sora's attention towards the stand. Knowing the two, he sighed and patted the pink-haired player's shoulder before walking towards the exit, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sure?" Sora was confused. The volleyball team's training was finally up to standard with old man Ukai coming back from his retirement. They were preparing for Interhigh, so why was he here? He ran towards the stand, chasing after the other first year.

"Chika-kun!" Ennoshita heard him but he couldn't face him right now. He was too embarrassed. The three of them, the ungrateful ones, finally realized the importance of volleyball but it was too late. Coach Ukai was gone. He felt Sora's hands tug on his shirt from the back. Things weren't going his way.

"Look at me," Sora felt bad. He hasn't been hanging out around the volleyball team in awhile. Both teams were preparing for their big events. He knew he should have talked to his closest friend more. "What's wrong? Why didn't you tell me you were here?"

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