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Shiratorizawa Junior High was celebrating a year full of wins during Momoi Sora's third year. He went all out, releasing all his frustrations and worries in volleyball. There were times where he still played basketball, but it all brought back the old memories and that blasted phone call with his sister.

'The Generation of Miracles,' he scoffed,' what a joke.' He disliked that team as he blamed it for the ruined friendships and broken hearts.

He remembered his last call with Akashi. It was an understatement to describe it to be bad. It was their first and probably the last argument as he refused to call the redhead again and knowing Akashi, he'll never talk to him unless Sora initiates the conversation or he comes and drags the pink-haired boy somewhere.

He shrugged off the overwhelming negative emotions, terrifying imagination, and promise himself that he'll deal with it or him later. The volleyball finals were coming up and he has to practice his serves. Sora wondered if he's going to play volleyball in high school. He found the sport was fun, but maybe it was time to go back to basketball. 'Hopefully, it doesn't turn out as hectic as what's going on over Momoi-nee's side,' he prayed. He knew that his heart was starting to change, but he feared that it might just be because he stopped playing the game.

"Yo, Sora-kun!" Semi greeted, "sorry, I'm late." Once in a while, the two hang out whenever they can. They played around together and watch movies when they're tired or even played an instrument when they feel like it. They both found out that they share the same taste in music and both have musical talents. This time, they were currently working on their serves.

"No problem, Eita-senpai. But uhm," Sora trailed off, scanning Semi from top to bottom making the other boy flush in embarrassment, "what are you wearing?"

Semi swore he did not pout. No, sir. He. DID. NOT.

"What?" he asked with a frown, previous thoughts were quickly forgotten, "You hang out with Tendou too much."

"Ah," the pinked hair teen chuckled choosing not to comment. There were times when the other two seniors visit him or kidnap him when they feel like it.

"I heard you've been joining Tendou when he binge-watches his anime," Semi scolded, "don't let him tarnish you."

"Big word for you, Semi but tarnish?!" Tendou popped out of nowhere, scaring the hell out of the other two.

'Speak of the devil and he appears,' The youngest Momoi's eyes twinkled in amusement.

"How dare you? Just because your brain cells cannot process fashion, it does not mean they should also not understand art!" Tendou argued.

"Enough," a deep voice ordered. Ushijima nodded to the two with a small smile.

"Uh," Sora's cheerful voice broke into the tension, "do you guys want ice-cream? My treat." 'I need a break.'

"Yosha!" Tendou grabbed the youngest's arm pulling him close and quickly ran towards the exit.

"Hey!!!!" Semi ran after them.

"You can't date Sora-kun with that outfit, Semi," Satori screamed, followed by Semi's curses.

Ushijima sighed and followed the chaos.


Sora was walking with his members in the gym hall, talking among themselves. Within the team, their atmosphere was light and joyful. Over a year and a half, the team members evolved more into friends as they bonded together more than the older batch of seniors who were currently in their first year of high school.

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