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"What do you mean?" Semi asked the boy again. "Did I hear you right?" He frowned.

"Uh, yea," Sora knew this was going to be quite the conversation. "I'm not going to Shiratorizawa."

Semi's frowned deepened, his anger boiling over. He wanted to calm himself down before he says anything he'll regret but this boy in front him was saying some words that were simple to understand but he refused to accept it.

"Why?" he asked, his voice rising. "Did-" he broke off in thought," Did Oikawa offered you someth-"

"No!" Sora stood up cutting him off. "I made a deal with my parents. I have to finish junior high in Shiratorizawa and then I can go wherever I want," he explained.

"Okay?" Semi questioned, his anger not calming a bit. "Don't you like it here? Stay!" 'Please.'

You see, Sora thought about that. He met great people that helped him forget about his past problems. He fell in love with volleyball. The school was also great. So, what was wrong? He doesn't really know. His friends here were wonderful. The volleyball that they had was strong and powerful, the best in the prefecture. The school was great.

'So, what was wrong?' he questioned himself several times. That single question resulted in several sleepless nights and mindless daydreaming. Till now, he doesn't really have any proper answer to it. 'Maybe, the atmosphere was too similar to the ones back home,' he guessed.

"Are you moving out of the prefecture?" Semi's voice trembled, bring Sora down from his la-la-land, "Of the country?!" He knew the boy was rich, if he wanted he'll be able to go to another continent.

"Eita-senpai," Sora stepped forward and hugged the older boy, trying to calm him down. He felt a hand clutch the back of his shirt.

"So?" Semi whispered, looking up the ceiling, wondering if he did anything wrong.

"I'm staying in Miyagi, but I'll be moving to the other end. My grandmother lives there," Sora explained, moving to stare at his friend's eyes, placing his hands on the sides of Semi's face.

"You said-" Semi could feel his anger rise again, "you'll quit volleyball?"

Sora's face grew closer till their heads touch together. "That? I don't know. I'm actually a basketball player, you know?"

Semi's face flushed at the closeness. He knew Sora was doing this because the younger doesn't want him to rage and wreak havoc.

"You'll tell Tendou and Wakatoshi-kun, okay?" Now it was Sora's turn to frown and grumble.

"Yes, yes," Sora scoffed. "I'll try to visit you when I can but I'll definitely text and call you whenever I'm free."


"Sora," Tendou hugged the boy to his chest, "can't you just move your grandmother here?"

"I can't move a whole estate, Satori-senpai," Sora sweatdropped. He expected this from Satori but his senpai's suggestions were really getting very imaginative.

"How about you run away with Semi?" Another weird suggestion, but this one made him smile.

"What'd you say, Eita-senpai?" he jokingly asked, but Semi nodded seriously and thought about that option.

"I thought about that but I don't want your parents or grand-" Semi explained sternly, but Sora panicked and cut him off.

"A joke! It was a joke! Why would you even-" his replies became muffled as Satori crushed the pink-haired boy's face on his chest in a tight hug.

"I'll miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," Satori sobbed, he really will. Sora was the only one who rode his jokes and shared his love for anime. He heard a muffled 'me too'.

Ushijima watched the trio with a frown. He did not expect the youngest to not go to his school nor did he imagine that Sora will think about quitting volleyball. His plans of conquering Nationals had to be remade. He promised himself that whenever he sees the youngest of their group, he'll convince him to go back to Shiratorizawa. Ushijima walked forward and stole the boy from Satori.

"I'll make you wish you should have chosen Shiratorizawa," Ushijima spoke his eyes staring at the other's wide. Sora's mouth hanged open when he saw Ushijima's determination.

"and when you want to, we'll greet you with open arms," Ushijima continued, making Semi and Satori nod, both with a sad smile on their faces.

"and lots of practice," Ushijima added, before ruffling the boy's hair.


"Iwa-chan," Oikawa called his best friend. Despite the nickname, the tone he used was rarely heard from Oikawa Toru. Startled, Iwaizume stared at his friend as if he turned into an alien.

"Oi, are you okay?" Iwaizume asked in a worried tone. Oikawa was never this silent unless it involved certain volleyball players, alien sightings, or his mom and sister.

Oikawa sighed looking at the sunset and the shadows forming on the streets, "I don't know but I have a bad feeling all of sudden."

"What the hell?" Iwaizume called out all of a sudden.

"Yea," Oikawa agreed. "I don't really know what's happening to me. It's like I'm going to meet my end or something. Maybe I'm going to get abducted tonight." He started panicking. "Iwa-"

"What the fuck?" Iwaizume stopped walking and stared at the boy a few feet away from them.

"Yes, Iwa-chan," Oikawa rumbled, "I might not see you tomor-" He was cut off by sharp pain from his side. "AH-"

"Shut up and tell me if I'm seeing things or is that Pinky over there?" The brown-haired boy stared at his friend with wide eyes. 'Did I watch their matches too much that I started seeing their resident pretty boy? God, am I going to see Shittykawa in places now?'

Oikawa whipped his head towards where his friend was pointing and gaped. 'Iwa-chan wasn't crazy, that's him!'

"That's...him." Oikawa stared. "Was he this pretty in court?" He mumbled out loud, his eyes widening as the figure of their attention is getting closer.

"Oi, he's coming closer- should we meet him or do you want to- why is he here anyway? Is he asking for a fight or something?" Iwaizume glanced back in forth between his friend and the pink-haired boy.

As the boy came closer, Sora recognized one of the two highschoolers in his way. The ex-basketball player was glad to see a familiar face despite the feeling that the ace wasn't as happy as he was. He made his way to greet him and his friend. Sora found Iwaizume Hajime attractive and cool. He denied that it was idol worship but-- 'Oh my goodness, he's just so cool!'

Oikawa braced himself, straightened his back, and harden his glare. He didn't expect to be confronted by Ushijima Jr. in this own part of the town. 'It was bound to happen anytime. I swear if he says I should have come to Shiratorizawa, I'm going to give him to Iwa-chan to practice his spikes with this kid's head'

"What are-" he started when the younger boy was close enough to hear but was cut off by the sudden greeting from the said boy.

"Ace-senpai!" The pink-haired boy greeted his friend, shining brightly. 'What?'

The second time in a span of five minutes, Oikawa Toru gaped. He looked at his friend who was blushing and covering his eyes from the brightness.

"How are you?" said the upcoming freshman, waggling his invisible tail.

"Ah," Iwaizume blinked, scratching his cheek in confusion.

"Iwa-chan?!" Oikawa shrieked, feeling betrayed, "You know Pinky?"

"Oh, sorry. Hello Setter-senpai," Sora greeted with a side-smile, ignoring the quick 'no' from Iwaizume.


[unedited - not reviewed]

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