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Before reading the chapter, here's a little disclaimer. I don't know anything about volleyball besides Haikyuu and the few times I watch a match in school, Youtube or on TV. If I wrote something wrong or not understandable, please bear with me. (Also, I suck at Physics so rip)

A shameless ad, check out my other Haikyuu fanfic - Yuu and Ai!



Karasuno vs. Nekoma.

In the first few minutes of the first set, Sora carefully watched Kenma as the setter's eyes pick their team's secrets. He also observed his team members, each spike and receive, noting the tiny details.

Nekomata glanced at the boy, who was famed to be the Magician. He shuddered at the sudden chill he felt when the boy's eyes glanced at him. 'Can I...,' a sudden odd idea popped into his mind. 'Later. I'll ask,' his eyes shifted back to the game.

"Ah, they got us," At Sora's words, Ukai whipped his head at the boy. He saw the pink-haired puppy watching the game intently. "It's the setter, Ukai-san, but I think," Pink lips slowly turned into a playful smile as the boy stares at Hinata's smiling face, "we'll be fine for a little while."

Ukai's hand twitched at the sudden urge to pet the boy's hair. 'What the hell is wrong with him?' he thought as his eyes shift back to the court. He knew the boy was labeled to be a good volleyball player, but his character should also be noted done. He found it odd as for the rest of the game, Sora didn't say a single thing. The boy was just watching with his sharp purple eyes.

Unbeknown to him, Sora imagined different scenarios in which he mentally fixed the gaps in their team. 'There, Hinata should really practice his receive, and Tsukishima needs strength training. Tanaka should be more aware of his circle...'

When Nekoma was preparing to serve the ball, Kuroo sneaked a glance at the bench. 'So, we're the guinea pigs?' he thought as he watched the pink-haired boy shift his eyes back and forth each of his teammates. When narrowed purple eyes connected with his dark ones, Kuroo suppressed the need to shudder at their intensity. 'What the hell?' Dark eyes widened at the playful grin Sora had on his face. The Nekoma captain turned around to face the orange-haired middle blocker. 'Let's forget about what we just saw,' Kuroo gave Hinata an intimidating smirk, 'and deal with who's in the court right now.'

Set Count: 2-0

Winner: Nekoma High School

"One more game!" Hinata shouted the intense feeling of playing in the court hasn't left yet.

When Nekomata agreed, Ukai looked at the silent boy beside him. "Oi, it's time," he said. "Daichi, you stay here, and Sora would play this round. I want you to carefully watch your members' strengths and weaknesses."

Daichi nodded, wiping the sweat on his face.

Sora slowly stood up, cracking his neck. Kenma gulped at the tense atmosphere. Some of the Nekoma players braced themselves as they watched the famed Magician enter the court.

"Finally," Kuroo muttered with a smirk on his face. "I waited a year for this, you know?"

The pink-haired boy chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Well," he said, "if we lost, dinner is one me."

"And if we did?" the Nekoma captain questioned.

"Uh," Sora sheepishly gave him a grin, "can you ask Kenma to give me a break from gaming?"

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