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Time quickly passed by, Sora realized it was finally the night before his first day of school. He spent his summer visiting his family and friends, both in Shiratorizawa and Iwatobi. There were times where he thought about the orange-haired kid. The one he met in the park once but he, unfortunately, forgot about the carrot top. The people he met from Teiko all spread out in different high schools and it was harder to connect with them. He hasn't communicated them at all, just the occasional greetings and rare phone calls. It was sad, but Sora accepted it. He predicted it to happen, sooner or later. Seijuro did contact him, however, promising to visit and to talk things out.

He decided to go to a normal (in his standards) school, making it his goal to lay low this time around. He was still unsure if he'll be joining any sports team. He wants to explore his choices, perhaps try another sport? A part of him wants to join the basketball team, but his heart feels heavy whenever he imagines himself playing it. He still enjoys the sport but being in a match makes him feel nauseous. Volleyball, on the other hand, felt right. It was clear which choice was better, but he was reluctant to let go of the other sport that brought many fond memories.

With a sigh, he tried to find the most comfortable position to sleep in. He didn't want to be late on his first day of school.

"I'm Momoi Sora, its nice to meet you."

Ennoshita Chikahara knew he was a background character. Sure, he was smart but he doesn't really find anything in him out of ordinary, especially his looks. He promised himself to try harder this time around in high school though. He planned to join the volleyball team despite hearing all harsh things about the current coach.

Ennoshita silently gaped at one of his new classmates as he scanned him from top to the bottom. A gentle smile, wavy pink hair, purple eyes, 'what is this overpowered character doing in Karasuno?' he internally screamed. He decided to avoid the current center of attraction, but the world immediately threw that one out of the window as the newly labeled prince of the class was given the seat beside him. 'Should I give my seat away? I feel like he suits sitting in the corner by the window more.' Ennoshita's internal battle continued, not knowing the said boy was staring at him in amusement.

'Kukuku, look at his face,' Sora held in a laugh as he stared as his new seatmate who was clearing having an internal dilemma. He tried clearing his throat to get the other's attention but it didn't work. He then waved a hand in front of the other but the guy suddenly covered his eyes in frustration. Getting annoyed, Sora decided to poke him continuously until he gets noticed.

'a;sifojskdjf- wait. No, no- I want to live a peaceful high school career, therefore, I should not talk to-' Ennoshita's internal rumble stopped when he felt something was poking his arm. His head slowly turned and he was faced with a bored-looking pink-haired boy who suddenly brightened up as they met eyes.

'Finally!' Sora internally cheered unaware of the brow-eyed boy's feelings.

'AAAAHHHHHHH,' Ennoshita internally screamed, his outer face remained was no longer looked like he was constipated. He looked calm with his customer service gentle smile.

"Hello, I'm Momoi Sora," Sora introduced himself again with a smile, "Please call me Sora, neighbor." Sora honestly thought about ignoring the guy for the rest of the year. He doesn't seem to want to talk to him, but he changed his mind when he was faced with a calm and gentle smile.

With a gulp, Ennoshita surrendered to his fate and hoped that this guy would be the last of his kind that he'll have to deal with. "I'm Ennoshita Chikahara. Call me Chikahara, Sora-san."

"Drop the 'san', Chika-kun," Sora grinned, his initial opinion dropped. He can feel that they will be getting quite nicely.


During lunch, the two first years decided to escape into one of the empty benches in the schoolyard. Right after the bell rang, Sora was trampled with odd questions and favors. He quickly dragged his seatmate out of there and found a quiet place.

'So much for not sticking out,' he grumbled, blowing a strand of pink hair out of his face, 'I bet it's the hair.'

"Chika-kun," he turned to the silent boy with a small pout, "do you think I should dye my hair?"

"Huh?" Bewildered, Ennoshita felt his heartbeat speed up a little. "N-no? You look great as you are..."

"Ah, thanks." Sora sweatdropped and decided to just change the topic. "So, which junior high did you come from?"

Ennoshita watched the pink-haired boy take the biggest bite of his sandwich. "I went to the closest school nearby. How about you?"

Sora searched for his water bottle but couldn't find it. He held a finger as a sign for 'wait' and ran to the nearest vending machine and quickly came back to his new friend. 'Why the hell did I do that?' He swallowed, drank some water, and wiped his mouth with his hand. "Uh, Shiratorizawa junior high."

Ennoshita spat whatever his juice and turned around to the boy. It made sense but still. "Shiratorizawa?"

Sora laughed and nodded, "Is it that surprising?"

'No, if it's coming from you,' the other thought as he shook his head. "Well, which club are you going for?"

Sora hummed, "I'll join track and field, volleyball, or basketball club. I'll have to look around more before deciding. You?"

"Volleyball club." Ennoshita grinned, feeling quite excited. The two continued to get to know each other, already forming a strong friendship outside the court.

Azumane Asahi sighed as he looked out the window. 'Here's to another year.'

He stared at the schoolyard in wonder, 'They said they renovated somethings hmm, they did add more benches. There's one there and there oh- I like that one it's peaceful and under the shade. Huh? The guy looks-' He froze when he realized the familiar figure.

"Oi, Asahi!" Suga called his taller teammate, "Have you eaten yet?"

Few seconds passed by and he still didn't get any reply. Slapping the statue of his taller friend, he asked "Asahi? What are you looking at?"

"Suga! Look," Asahi pointed at the bench with the two first years.

"What?" Sugawara looked at the bench and saw a browned haired boy. "Oh?"

"What are you guys doing?" Daichi joined in the conversation, looking at his two friends in suspicion.

"I think," Sugawara stared at the bench area and then suspiciously at his tallest friend, "Asahi is trying to say something."

"H-huh?" Asahi stuttered, his hands shaking while Sugawara just nodded in understanding.

"It's okay, Asahi," Sugawara gave him an understanding smile while halos, rainbows, and bright light in the background, "Love is love, like whoever you want."

"Yes!" Asahi nodded and then shook his head, "Wait- That's not what I meant! Just look at the bench!" He honestly wanted to roll over and cry.

"Stop teasing him, Suga," Daichi muttered, feeling bad for Asahi. He looked outside wondering what or who could it be making their friend act this way. 'One of these days, Asahi will get a heart attack just because-' He finally saw him and also froze. '-of people, people are dangerous. What is he doing here?!'

"Wow, you too Daichi?" Sugawara smirked as he saw Daichi's mouth hang open. "I mean the boy isn't that cute. The cutest guy I've ever seen is probably-," Sugawara finally looked at where they were staring and yelped.

Both Daichi and Asahi grinned at him, eyes glinting, "Momoi Sora."


[unedited - not reviewed]

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