ii. Glasses...?

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"Sora, you have to bend straighten your arms a little more."

Green hair gently swayed with the wind. Purple eyes widened at the sight.

'Midorima-san is really...,' Sora's thought trailed off as he watched the other shoot the ball perfectly in the basket. Green eyes sharpening with focus as the other's face relaxed overall.

"Like that." Midorima focused on the younger boy. "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

The pink-haired boy shook his head. 'My ears feel a little hot.'

"Ah, did you forget about your lucky item?" Midorima asked. He was trying to make Sora his mini-me (stealing him from Akashi).

"Tsk, hold on," Midorima quickly jogged towards his bag and went back to Sora. "I told you it he'll help you focus. Here's your luck item for the day," he gave Sora a purple hair tie.

'Ah, it matches my eyes,' Sora picked it up and wore it on his wrist. "Thank you, senpai."

'Senpai?!...' Midorima cleared his throat as he fixed his glasses. He then grabbed the ball on the floor. He handed it over to the other. "Again, shoot."


Ennoshita watched his friend avoid the others' teasing. He thought about what Sora has said about his life so far.

Due to his popularity, Sora had to avoid a lot of people that were only friendly because he was rich or wanted to use him. His close friends were only his ex-basketball team members, his previous school's swim team, and "the rainbow bastards" that was often the topic of his rants.

Ennoshita vaguely remembered one of those rainbow people he saw on his cousin's laptop was wearing glances. He doesn't remember the guy's last name but he knows the guy's first name well. "Crayon Shin-chan... Shintaro?" He mumbled. He remembered comparing the guy's name over the cartoon character. The Shintaro guy was the only person he knew with glasses that was around Sora.

Sora froze. He heard Ennoshita's quiet analysis. The others as well.

Ennoshita also froze. 'I was right...?!!!'

"Who?" Sugawara's eyes widened. He knew from Sora's reaction that Ennoshita hit the right spot. 'A boy?!'

"Shintaro?" Daichi questioned, connecting the dots as well. 'That's a boy's name....'

"Oh! I think we're going somewhere," Noya creepily grinned at Sora who was still frozen in shock while elbowing Tanaka.

"Tell us! Tell us!" Tanaka chuckled menacingly. The duo didn't even think of the name that much, unaware of the others' thoughts.

The pink-boy sighed and then glared at his fellow first year. "Fine, but promise me one thing."

The volleyball team leaned in while nodding their heads eagerly.

"Never talk about this again."


"Oi, Suga," Daichi started the conversation. The three second-year boys were walking home together in dazed, still processing the earlier conversation.

Suga hummed in reply. His mind was in chaos. 'So, it doesn't matter if its a boy or a girl as long as... Keep it together Koushi!' He slapped his cheeks all of a sudden, surprising the other two.

"Suga!" Asahi yelped, looking at his friend in worry.

Daichi awkwardly laughed at the situation. "Ah, yes. I understand."

"Huh? Daichi?!" Asahi turned to his other friend. 'What's happening????'


As they promised, the volleyball team never brought it up again. However, whenever they see someone with glasses and a personality as per Sora's description that was around the purple-eyed boy, they can't help but become suspicious.

"Huh?" Narita stopped whistling and walking as he turned on the corner. He watched as Sora laughed with a cute girl wearing glasses. 'They look close...'

"Narita?" He heard a call from behind him. He turned and saw Kinoshita walking with Tanaka and Noya. "What's up?"

Narita looked back at what he saw earlier. The two people talking disappeared.

"Ah, nothing much," he replied, sounding unsure.


A year passed by and the shocking conversation was long forgotten.

Well, at least, until today.

"My name is Tsukishima Kei."

Sugawara and Daichi's eyes widened at the sight of the boy. The others might have forgotten but they clearly remembered.

'Glasses, blunt, and tsundere,' they both remembered watching Sora talk about the mysterious person with fondness in his purple eyes. They also felt like the description of matches.

"Nice to meet you."


Sugawara glanced at Sora's smiling face. He knew Sora was watching the match closely.

"Who wears a long sleeve shirt while playing a match?" he heard the other mumbled.

'Ah,' Sugawara turned back as the match progress. He stared at Tsukishima when the boy quickly took off his long sleeve shirt.

"There you go," the person beside him mumbled.



Daichi watched as Sora introduced himself to the other two first years. He squinted his eyes as he watched Sora's grin widen when the boy said something interesting towards Yamaguchi.

'He's talking to Yamaguchi but his eyes are on Tsukishima's face,' Daichi observed as he watched Tsukishima's reaction. 'His lips are twitching.'

"This is going to be quiet interesting."

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