iii. Chibi! Sora [1/?]

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"What the fxck?" Iwaizumi gaped at the tiny being in front of his dorm.

"Is it pizza?" Oikawa shouted, brown eyes not leaving the tv. He was secretly rooting for the aliens. The monsters were cute but, of course, the aliens were the best.

"Shittykawa, come here." The ace hissed at his best friend. His mind was blank. 'There's a kid in front of my house. MY house.' He thought, emphasizing the fact that it was his house and not the player that was currently focused on watching Monsters vs. Aliens.

Oikawa huffed and paused the movie. He was about to give the other an earful for taking too long but like Iwaizumi, he was also at lost seeing the kid in front of him. "Iwa-chan," he trailed off, eyes not leaving the child, "do you want to tell me something?"

"What?" Iwaizumi watched as the kid's purple eyes sparkle looking at him. He gulped nervously when the pink-haired child hugged his legs.

"I mean I know it's impossible but," Oikawa glanced at the tv and then back at the newly formed duo, "did you perhaps have a kid with Pinky-chan?"

What his best friend said barely registered in Iwaizumi's brain. Oikawa too couldn't believe what came out his mouth. They both stared blankly at the kid who smiled at them both.

"H-hello! I'm Momo-ch- Ah- Momoi Sora!" The little boy bowed shyly before hugging the ace's legs again.

Not leaving the flustered little boy, Iwaizumi grumbled, "I have never touched Sora." 'Yet.'

"I ha- ehem- me neither," Oikawa's eyes widen a bit when big purple innocent eyes connected with his. Honestly, he should be screaming and panicking by now but oddly enough, he was calm.

"I'm keeping him."


The ace picked up the boy and silently moved towards the living room.

The captain looked around and then slammed the door shut.

On that day, Karasuno lost a player.


"What do you mean you lost him?!" Daichi screamed.

The four idiots silently kneeled down in front of their captain.

"Calm down, Daichi," Sugawara's face was hidden from the others. Only the captain saw the terrifying sight that forced him to calm down. It made his back freeze.

"S-suga," Daichi licked his lips. Now he felt bad for the others.

Hinata, Noya, and Tanaka let out a yelp while Kageyama paled. All of them were slightly trembling at the suffocating aura Sugawara was emitting.

"I need you to tell me what happened and where you last saw him," Sugawara told them softly, terrifying everyone in the room.

Gritting his teeth, Noya took one for the team. "Well-"


"He's so cute!" Oikawa watched the mini-Sora eat the watermelon like a small little hamster. His brown eyes were sparkling with amusement at the adorable being.

Iwaizumi was covering his smiling lips with one hand while handing more food to the kid with the other. "I think... I think I'm ready to be a dad if my kid is like this," he muttered under his breath.

"Iwa-chan," Oikawa called. "You think he can play volleyball?"

As soon as the setter said word 'volleyball', mini-Sora perked up and looked at him. "Can we play, nii-chan?"

"Awww," Oikawa couldn't help but blush at the sudden attack. 'Nii-chan?!' He nodded slowly, his mouth failing him.

Iwaizumi already got a ball. Like men in a mission, the duo proceeded to take on their tasks.

The setter picked up the precious kid.

The ace grabbed a bag with water bottles, snacks, and towels.


"Sora ate a candy he got from a random girl and turned into a kid while you guys were hanging out?" Sugawara asked.

Tanaka nodded. "Yea, so we decided to ask you for help but before we could do anything he started crying."

"Then, I decided to bring us to the park to cheer him up as I do to my little sister," Hinata explained.

"But when we were in a call with you," Kageyama trailed off, hesitating to continue.

"Tch, the little kid went through the slide and never came down."

"Huh?" As much as he was pissed off, Sugawara couldn't blame them. Sora was just peculiar like that.

"Guys!" Ennoshita shouted. Everyone stared at Asahi and Ennoshita. Asahi's eyes were wide while staring at an Instagram post the Seijoh's captain just posted.

Tsukishima glanced at the phone, "Chibi-Sora?"

Yamaguchi gasp as he too glanced at the picture, "what is he doing?!"


"Shittykawa, I told you not to post it." Iwaizumi hissed. His hand was patting Mini-Sora's head.

"Relax, Iwa-chan," Oikawa hummed. "Look we're so cute though!"

The picture showed a reluctant Iwaizumi and a happy Oikawa kissing a giggling Mini-Sora's cheeks. The next picture was Mini-Sora on Iwaizumi's shoulders blocking a surprise Oikawa's spike. The next picture was Oikawa hugging the pouting little kid and Iwaizumi sighing in the back.

Iwaizumi's lips slightly turned upward into a small smile. "We are, aren't we?"

"Nii-chan! Let's play again!"


"Holy shxt," Tendou's voice rang in Shiratorizawa's gym. The only people there other than him were Ushijima and Semi, who wanted to practice his spikes.

"What the hell?" Semi muttered, staring at the phone over the redhead's shoulders.

Ushijima's mouth slightly opened at the sight.

"Is that Sora?! Oi? Semisemi- wait- STOP SPRINTING! USHi- Ushijima, what the f×ck? Don't race him! I- damn it."


Kenma, Akashi, Bokuto, and Kuroo were hanging out. Technically, Bokuto and Kuroo were hanging out, Kenma was dragged by Kuroo to tag along, and Akashi was there to keep them out of jail.

Kenma was silently scrolling down his phone when he froze. Akashi's senses told him that something was wrong.

"Kuroo," Kenma's usual monotoned voice had something in it.

"Huh?" Kuroo leaned down to stare at the small screen before gasping. "Sora?!"

"Wait, who? The Magician?" Bokuto haven't met the guy but he heard a lot of things about him. "Why is he so small?"

"He's so cute!!! But why is he with the Seijoh ace and captain?"

Kenma stood up. "I want him."

"Kenma, no!" Kuroo tackled Kenma.

"Kenma, yes." The pudding haired boy crawling on the floor while the Nekoma captain tries to stop him.

Bokuto's laughter echoed in the room.

Akashi prayed to God to spare him even just for one day.


"Can I take him home?" Oikawa begged.

"No," Iwaizumi sighed. As much as he wants to keep Sora, he knew they needed to give the boy back to Karasuno.

"How about we spend the rest of the day with him till they find him?"

"Hmm, let's eat at my favorite ramen shop."

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