Chapter 1

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I woke up to the bright sun streaming through my window, " Its a new begining" well that's what my mom thinks. I get up as I hear the voice of my mom hollering, "HEAVENLY GET UP IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST!" I automaticly get dressed and head downstairs to eat. "I am starving. What are having? Besides for doctors with a side of chemo!" I said, "No! and eat your food Heavenly we are in a hurry!" My mom says. But I am use to it a bunch of checkups for chemo little bit here a little bit there, but what I am saying is that I wish it wouldn't have to be like this I mean as I thought to myself why, why me out of everyone why was I choosen to have breast cancer? The only thing that got that thought out of my head was my birthday. "Mom" I say with a morning voice, "I am 17, and my birthday is coming up next week. I will be 18 can we do something special? I want to do something so when I die I will have my chance to be a normal girl." "Of course honey anything, I want you to have the best life that you can have. I know that it hasn't been all that great with chemo its something that we can live with we can get through this." My mother tells me in a special way that makes me feel better. As we head to the hospital check up I notice a stables across the street we are on. I look at this beautiful, mesmorizing black male horse with a white star on his forehead. Well we are here at St. Vally's Hospital. "Are you excited?" My mom askes even though she knows the anwser. "No!" I tell her right away. "Well we are here lets sign in." My mom explains."Ms. Lockmoore, Dr. Dalington is waithing in room 514." Says the check in nurse even though she knows that I am a regular and know my way around St. Vally's Hospital like the back of my hand. "Hello, come in come in!" Said Dr. Dalington. "The checkup is going well so far. All we need know is a blood sample and we will give you the treatment." Said Dr. Dalington. Okay I hate blood samples. Even though I never tell them and keep my mouth shut I hate them so much that every time I hear the word blood I think of when I am getting a blood sample. It gives me cold chills. The only thing that is worrying me is that when I see the doctor come back in is that he askes to talk to my mom in privite.

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