06, i'll be back

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THE DOORS OF THE MAZE were about to open and Trinity and Minho stood with the others runners, ready to go, three days later

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THE DOORS OF THE MAZE were about to open and Trinity and Minho stood with the others runners, ready to go, three days later. Daphne was nearby, wanting to say bye to her sister. It was the first time that Trinity would be going into the maze, while she wasn't nervous, Daphne was terrified.

Trinity walked over to Daphne, hugging her tightly. "I've been training for this, I'll be fine."

"I know, you're ready for this," Daphne agreed. "I'm just worried you won't come back."

"Don't think that way," Trinity whispered. "I'm not gonna leave you here, I'll be back tonight."

"What am I gonna do without you here all day?" Daphne mumbled.

"Hang out with Newt," Trinity shrugged, a small smirk on her face. "I'm sure he won't mind."

"Trin!" Minho called, the doors beginning to open.

Hugging Daphne once more, Trin jogged to Minho's side before the runners took off, dashing into the maze.


Daphne's eyes looked at the doors to the maze, hoping that all of a sudden, Trinity would run out. It was only the middle of the day though, so she knew how impossible it was.

"Daph, relax, they'll be back tonight." Clint promised her and Daphne looked at him and Jeff, the three sitting at a table in the kitchen together.

"I know, it's just hard to focus on anything else when every five seconds I notice she's not here." Daphne rambled.

She tensed up slightly, feeling a pair of eyes on her. Crossing her arms, Daphne looked at down at her lap before back up. She made eye contact with Enzo, who smirked at her and she grew uncomfortable quickly.

"Hey guys," Newt sat down next to Daphne, greeting the three of them. He looked at her, noticing the look on her face. "You've barely touched your food, what's up?"

"She hasn't stopped staring at the door since Trinity left." Jeff answered.

Daphne looked at Newt, who gave her a look before she moved closer to him, hoping Enzo would stop looking her way.

"They're fine. She's fine. Minho won't let anything happen to her." Newt reminded and she nodded. "You just need something to distract yourself. Clint, mind if I take her for a bit?"

"Anything not to hear her ramble anymore." Clint smirked and Daphne rolled her eyes as he patted her shoulder. Jeff and Clint stood up before leaving the kitchen.

"Eat up and then we're gonna go." Newt said.

"Go where?" Daphne questioned.

"You're gonna help me out in the garden." He smirked and Daphne's face fell, beginning to shake her head. "Come on Med-Jack, get your hands a little dirty."

"Like you said, I'm a Med-Jack, my hands always gets covered in blood or chemicals." Daphne reminded.


"I'm tired." Daphne mumbled and Newt looked at her, seeing little spots of dirt on her face and tiny pieces of her hair falling out of the bun she had put her locks in.

"We'be only been here for an hour." Newt said, smiling at her as he walked over.

"But it's hot." She replied.

"Maybe you shouldn't have worn a long sleeve." He suggested and Daphne rolled her eyes. Newt reached up, brushing some of the dirt off her cheek.

She blushed slightly, looking at him. "How long do we have to be out here for?"

"Probably three more hours, but I think I'll let you off the hook a little earlier." Newt answered and Daphne sighed. "You're such a Med-Jack."

"No shit." Daphne scoffed.

"Even thought you just gave a lot of unnecessary attitude, I will still allow you a five minute break." Newt said, pointing towards his bag. "There's water in there if you need it."

Daphne smiled in relief, grabbing the bag and taking out the bottle of water. She drank a couple of sips before turning around to look back at Newt, who now stood shirtless, continuing his work. Daphne's eyes widened, almost on her water.

Newt looked back at her, smirking. "Everything okay, genius?"

She nodded, sighing silently. "Um, actually, random question. The new guy, Enzo."

"What about him?" Newt questioned, his jaw clenching slightly. He didn't look back at her, not wanting to seem jealous.

"Does he seem off to you?" Daphne asked.

Newt's eyes widened at that. Had she noticed? "I mean, yeah, but I think all greenies do in the beginning. Why?"

"Nothing, he just—" Daphne stammered.

He turned back to look at her, "What's wrong, Daph?"

"Nothing, he just— I catch him staring sometimes. I might just be overreacting, but I don't know, it just makes me uncomfortable." Daphne mumbled, looking at the ground, ashamed.

"Hey," Newt bend down next to her, placing a hand on her arm. "It's fine that you feel that way. If you ever think he's gonna try something just come find me, alright? I'll protect you."


Daphne stood in front of Newt as they waited for the maze doors to open. Fry, Jeff, and Clint stood nearby.

She jumped slightly when the doors began to open, Newt placing his hands on her shoulders to make sure she didn't run into the maze.

"Woo!" Trinity screamed as she, Minho, and the other runners came into view. Daphne smiled, her eyes widening and she reached her arms out, wanting to run to her. Newt didn't let go of her shoulders till Trin stepped into the grass.

Daphne ran forward, hugging her sister tightly. Trinity smiled, saying, "God, that was fun."

Newt looked at her in disbelief and Minho told him, "She's a psychopath."

"How was she?" Newt questioned.

"Oh, she's a natural." Minho shrugged.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Daphne smiled.

"I told you I would be." Trinity reminded and looked at Newt. "Hope she wasn't bothering you to much about how much she missed me."

"She's never a bother." Newt shrugged.

"He made me work in the garden." Daphne told her sister and Trinity laughed.

bye the fact that people are actually reading this

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