20, an off switch

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AFTER ALMOST THROWING UP at the sight of Griever's spit, Daphne's adventure in the maze quickly took a turn for the worst

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AFTER ALMOST THROWING UP at the sight of Griever's spit, Daphne's adventure in the maze quickly took a turn for the worst. If that was even possible. The Griever spit Thomas stepped in belong to a Griever, of course, which almost killed them and was currently still trying to kill them.

"This way!" Trinity screamed, turning at a corner and her head whipping around. "Shit, I switched up what sector we were in."

"Trin!" Daphne ushered her and Trinity pointed at the wall of vines.

"Time to climb, there's a path up here!" Trinity explained, and the three climbing up the vines.

"Why don't you sound confident?" Thomas asked.

"Why did you run into the maze? We all have questions, Tommy-boy." Trinity shrugged as they finished climbing the vines, quickly jumping to another platform. The older sister sighed, seeing that the Griever was still indeed following them. "Persistent son of bitches, aren't they?"

"You can insult them later, for now which way?" Daphne questioned and Trinity ran to the right, hopping a step and running.

She held her arm out to stop Thomas and Daphne from going forward, seeing a small cliff in front of them. Daphne's eyes widened, knowing they wouldn't survive the impact if they jumped.

"Okay, jump to the vines, climb down, then run like hell." Trinity instructed.

Daphne looked at the Griever that ran towards them, her eyes twisting in confusion. Despite the spit it produced, it was mechanical, a machine.

And every machine had an off switch.

Or an off button, whatever you want to call it. Turning around to look at Trinity, Daphne grabbed the knife that was peeking out of her bag and jumped towards the wall of vines just as her sister and Thomas did.

The Griever followed them, taking out its arm that had the stinger attached to it. Daphne's eyes widened in fear, bringing out the knife. Where would the off switch be?

She slid down just a bit as Thomas tried not to get stabbed by the Griever stinger. Scanning the machine quickly, Daphne saw the outline of a rectangle on the back of the Griever.

"Perfect." She whispered and pulled Thomas down the vines, the Griever following them easily, but getting tangled in the vines.

"Daph, what are you doing?" Trinity questioned as she pulled Thomas out of the vines. Opening the rectangle outline with the knife, Daphne's hands shook softly as the Griever cried and growled. She smiled when she was the small switch, Daphne quickly switching it down and the Griever shut up immediately, not moving. "Holy shit!"

"What did you do?" Thomas asked.

"I turned it off." Daphne replied, a smile of her face.

"You genius shank." Another voice joined the conversation, seeing Minho run up to them. "And as much as I'd love to celebrate your intelligence, this guy's friend is coming."

𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧, 𝐭𝐦𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭¹Where stories live. Discover now