18, belongs to the maze

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"HAS ANYONE TRIED CLIMBING to the top?" Thomas asked and Daphne stopped scribbling a formula in her notebook, looking up at him

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"HAS ANYONE TRIED CLIMBING to the top?" Thomas asked and Daphne stopped scribbling a formula in her notebook, looking up at him. She sat on a tree stump, Thomas and Newt working on the gardens in front of her.

"Tried it." Newt replied. "The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top. Besides, where are you gonna go from there?"

"And what about the Box? Next time it comes up—"
Thomas suggested.

"No, we tried that." Newt cut him off. "The Box won't go back down with someone in it."

"Okay, what if we—"

"No, we tried it, all right? Twice. All right?" Newt stopped working to turn to the boy. "Trust me.Anything you think of, we've already tried. The only way out of here is through the maze. Now, look, you wanna be helpful?"

He handed Thomas a bucket. "Here. Go dig us up some more fertilizer."

Thomas sighed, walking off and Newt turned to Daphne. "Persistent, isn't he?"

She nodded, smiling slightly at him as Newt sat down next to her, Daphne handing him a water bottle. "He's curious."

"Very," Newt agreed, looking at the notebook in her lap. "What are you working on?"

"Trying to remember the formula for Halcion." Daphne sighed, resting her head on Newt's shoulder.

"You alright, darling?" He glanced at her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah, just tired." She nodded, sighing again.

She looked at Newt's hand, grabbing it softly. Daphne dreamt about her life before the Glade last night, moments and flashes appearing in her head and before she could even register what they were, they would disappear.

What she did know is that she and Newt did know each other, and even before the Glade they were in love.

It's been two years since Daphne arrived at the Glade. And she didn't dream of her life beforehand every night, just once a week. She's seen moments, special moments. Her and Newt falling in love, their first kiss, but she hasn't told him. Was she supposed to?


"I have to go," Daphne mumbled, lifting her head from Newt's shoulder. "Work to do."

He nodded, standing up and kissing her lips. "Tonight we'll actually go to bed early, alright? You need to—"

"Help!" The two turned around at the sound of Thomas screaming, seeing the boy desperately run out of the woods, Ben following behind him. Daphne and Newt ran towards the two, Newt holding an arm out so Daphne wouldn't get too chose. He grabbed a stick from the garden before smacking Ben in the face with it, knocking him off Thomas.

Newt and Gally held Ben to the ground, Daphne running over to the Med-Jack hut and grabbing a syringe of sedative. "What the hell happened?"

Thomas got off the ground, panting, "He just attacked me!"

"Calm down, Ben." Gally demanded, Ben continued to struggle.

Alby walked up to the crowd, looking down. "Lift his shirt."

Ben protested immediately, but Newt pulled his shirt up, revealing the sting on Ben's stomach. Daphne's eyes widened, letting out a gasp as she whispered, "He's been stung."

"In the middle of the day?" Gally questioned.

"Alright, put him in the pit." Alby said, shaking his head slightly.

"Everybody, help. Put him in the pit." Gally said.

Newt looked up, exclaiming and his eyes landed on Daphne, rushing her over, "Med-Jack! Daph!"

She ran over, pulling the syringe out of her pocket and stabbing it into Ben's arm. The boy continued to struggle before his eyes closed, his body going limp as he passed out.

"What did you do to him?" Thomas looked at the girl.

Daphne held up the syringe, "Sedative. Valium."

She looked at Trinity, who stood nearby with her arms crossed. Daphne walked over, "You okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Trinity shrugged, biting her lip.

"Trinnie, we've known Ben ever since we came to the Glade, you've ran with him for two years." Daphne explained.

Trinity looked down, kicking at the dirt, "He's gonna be banished, isn't he?"

Sighing, Daphne put her hands in her pocket, glancing at her sister. "Probably. We don't have a cure for a sting yet, I've been working on it for forever."

"I know." Trinity nodded, patting her shoulder.


Looking at each other, Trinity and Minho walked forward, both of them holding Ben as they made their way to the doors of the Maze. Other Gladers surrounded them, holding sticks while they formed a circle around Ben.

Ben began to beg, his eyes landing on Thomas who stood next to Chuck and Daphne. His skin was pale, purple veins decorating it and black liquid dripped from the corner of his mouth as he mumbled apologies. "Please, please, don't do it!"

Minho and Trinity gave each other a look before they threw a bag into the maze, going towards the side.

"Poles!" Alby shouted and the boys pointed their poles towards Ben, beginning to inch closer to him. "Move in!"

Ben screamed, begging for forgiveness and a second chance until he was forced to step through the maze. Daphne looked down at the ground, not wanting to watch anymore.

"He belongs to the maze now."


"Be careful," Daphne told Trinity as the two hugged, early the next morning.

"Done this 100 times before." The older sister shrugged. "I'll be back before sundown."

Newt looked at Minho and Alby, nodding as Trinity walked up to them. The three looked at each other before running into the maze, Newt turning to Daphne. "You alright, darling?"

"Just nervous, I always am." Daphne mumbled, Newt wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

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