02, drink from hell

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DAPHNE AND TRINITY sat at the top of the platform

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DAPHNE AND TRINITY sat at the top of the platform. The highest structure in the Glade, where no one could reach them without them noticing. The platform were three levels. The first was empty and had no walls, the dirt and grass as the ground. The second was the only proper room of the structure, where the girls were going to sleep. The third was the roof, where the two now sat.

Nearby, there was a festival happening in their honor, to celebrate their "arrival." A bond fire was being lit while Trinity's eyes landed on a circle of sand, where boys were fighting each other.

"Idiots." She mumbled and looked at Daphne, who just stared at the sky. "Alright, I'm gonna get food for us, do you wanna stay here?"

Daphne nodded, not saying a word before Trinity nodded back, "I'll be back quick."

She climbed down the tree house, jumping off the ladder and landing on the ground. Scoffing quietly when she began to get stares, Trinity walked past them and towards the bond fire where of course, everyone stared at her.

"I'm aware I'm pretty, move on!" Trinity shouted, walking over to Alby, who had a smirk on his face. "What is there to eat?"

He gestured towards the cooks, "Help yourself."

Trinity smiled slightly, grabbing a piece of meat. Her smile fell when a boy walked up to her with a smirk. "You know, the whole festival is kind of pointless if only one guest of honor is here."

"Let her be," Trinity crossed her arms, shrugging. "She doesn't trust you guys, and frankly, neither do I, but we can't starve, right?"

"So she eats our food but doesn't come down to interact with us?" He scoffed.

"Alright, Nick, back off," Newt walked over. "You remember how terrified you were your first day here? You klunking in your pants? Because I do. Leave both of them alone."

Nick scoffed once more before walking off. The blonde looking at Trinity, "I'm Newt."

"Trinity." She replied, looking at her sister. "That's Daphne. Look, if it's actually a problem that she's up there-"

"No, don't worry about it." Newt cut her off. "We were all scared our first day, you two have it even worst."

"She's anxious." Trinity said. "Me, not so much. She's also just shy."

"Why do you know so much about her?" Newt questioned.

"Everything I remember is about her. She's my sister." Trinity shrugged and looked at the circle of sand where boys were fighting. "What the hell is that?"

𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧, 𝐭𝐦𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐭¹Where stories live. Discover now