Part 2

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Author's note: Sorry for the slightly boring intro, I have to set things up, ya know? Anyway, I promise it gets significantly more interesting from here. There's a huge plot to this story, and I'm so excited to see everyone's reactions when it comes up. So comment/like/share! Also, I'll try to get a part out every week to keep the posting on a schedule. To get everyone excited, here's a nice long chapter. Also, I guarantee Loki in the next one! Enjoy!


It's only been a few days since I moved in with Beth. We've mostly been pigging out on ice cream and binge watching Supernatural. I'm definitely Dean and she's absolutely Sam. 

Yesterday she took me to her favorite book shop down the street. It's got a café in the back so we sat out there one evening and I told her everything about me and Benny. All of the abuse, the invalidation, everything got put out on the table.  

Tonight, though, she decides to stay in. I want to go for a walk, so I grab my bag and keep my pepper spray in my hand because, you know, New York.

The summer night breeze flushes my face the moment I step out of the building, the front door clanking shut behind me. I jog down the four steps onto the sidewalk, and decide to take a left. It's not too deserted, seeing as it's only around dinner time. It's almost dark, but the air has a calming bluish tint to it.

I close my eyes to breathe in the city air, and to no surprise, I choke on someone's cigarette smoke. Charming. I clear my throat and hurry my pace, not wanting to seem like an idiot who just tried to find peace in the scent of New York City.

I turn a few corners, not really caring where I go but keeping tabs on where I've been. I don't want to have to call my little sister to come get me, that's fucking lame. I look up at one of the street signs when I catch something out of the corner of my eye. I see a shadow of a person, not even moving. But... getting closer? I start to back away, my hand on my pepper spray. I turn around and try to round the corner, but they've gotten closer. I whip around, pepper spray ready to go, when I come face to face with Benny.

Did he follow me here? What a fucking stalker! I tried to get away from him, I moved and didn't tell him where I was going. He has no idea where my sister lives. My heart starts beating in my throat, and the feeling of being trapped comes rushing back. There's a pulse behind my eyes, and my vision starts turning red. Wait, my vision starts turning red?

Now there's black smoke coming from my skin. My fingertips turn black, and the blood in my veins glow to where I can see them stretching under the hand I hold up with the pepper stray. This feeling comes over me, like I need to end this. I can end this. I move closer to him, dropping the pepper spray. Amateur move, if you ask me. I feel so powerful, so dangerous. He should be scared of me. He is. He's running from me, into the dark ally across the street. I follow him, whooshing through the air like a bat. I catch him by the neck, my blood boiling. I look into his eyes. It's satisfying to see him scared of me.

I feel this magic wash over me, power surging through my blood. I didn't notice the swarm of machines above us as I begin to suck out his soul while pinning him against the dirty, brick building wall. I can't control it, but it's too satisfying to stop.

Suddenly I'm knocked to the ground, my concentration broken. 

"Is he okay?" I hear distantly through clanking metal and and footsteps approaching.

"Check his pulse." A woman demands. My vision gains more color and my heart rate starts going down. As I come to, I realize a rather large man with dusty blonde hair is holding me to the ground. I look over to Benny, who's having his pulse checked by a redhead dressed in all black. 

The man forcing me down looks at my face, confused as fuck, and says, "She's human..." to himself.

"What was that, Thor?" Asks an older voice, his face showing through his metal helmet that disappears. He walks out of the rest of his iron suit, swaggering towards us.

"He's burnt out, but he's fine!" Calls the woman from beyond me, the one checking Benny's pulse. He's alive. I failed.

"I said she's human. Mortal, even." Says Thor, lifting his weight off of me.

"Take her home. I have questions for the girl demon... thing." I recognize his voice, finally. It's Tony fucking Stark.


I wake up in a glass box. The floor is waxy and white, and my boots squeak as I shift to sit up on my elbows. My head is pounding and every movement echoes in pain. "What the fuck...?" I think, trying to remember last night. I pinch the skin on my nose between my eyes, then sit up more. I stretch my legs out in front of me and look out through the glass walls. There's a guard in front of the door, watching me. He says something into a walkie talkie on his jacket collar, and soon people are coming in to see me.

One of those people is Tony, holding a drink in his hand. What time is it? Is he really day-drinking?

"Morning, sunshine." He says, stopping in front of the glass wall. Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff join him on either side. I can't believe I'm standing in a glass cage, being held hostage by the Avengers. If this was a different circumstance, I'd be flailing on the ground having a major fangirl moment. I've always had a thing for redheads.

"You wanna tell me what's going on?" I ask him, croaking at the echo of my own voice in my new room. Too bad I'm not much of a minimalist, there's nothing in here but me.

"Let's start with how you were spooking some guy out in a dark alleyway in the middle of New York."

"Excuse me, I what?" I say, standing up completely and marching right up to the edge of the room. They exchange looks with each other, looking more and more concerned the longer this goes.

"You... seemed maybe possessed by something and were attacking someone. Do you remember anything?" Natasha asks, sounding like a true detective. That's super hot, I'll answer her.

"I wasn't possessed. I was angry. That was my ex, Benny, he followed me from upstate after we broke up. I guess my emotions got the best of me." I say, looking away. This isn't the greatest impression I want to leave on the Black Widow, but maybe she'll understand better than the guys.

"Look, we want to help, but for your safety, we gotta keep you in here. We promise it's nothing personal." Steve reassures me.

"Can I make a request, then?" I ask, looking back up and batting my eyelashes at the three of them.

"Whatchya want, buttercup?" Tony asks, trying to keep things light. I actually really appreciate it since I feel like an animal in this cage.

"Mac and cheese."

They hesitate for a moment before bursting out in booming laughter. I can't help but smile, seeing as it's a silly request for someone literally defenseless in a glass cage with nothing in it.

"I'll have Pepper bring it to you soon. And uh- we won't be gone for too long, okay, kiddo?" I nod, and they leave me alone with the guard at front of the door. 

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