Part 15

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I pull in front of a club. The lights are flashing under the space between the sidewalk and the door. The bouncer is standing outside, legs wide and hands folded in front of him. I park the car, and Loki gives me a judgy look.

"What?" I ask, amused at his displeasure with a club.

"Really? You expect me to go in there with that awful music and trashy humans who get drunk and grind on each other?"

"You don't have to get drunk." I offer, implying that the grinding on each other is still on the table for me.

"Fuck it." He says, getting out of the car.

"Oh hoho, look at you!" I say, laughing at the pleasure he's getting from letting go for once.

Loki slides a $100 bill into the bouncer's hand, and he gladly lets us through. We walk through a dark hallway, then through a curtain and onto the open floor. Colored lights are strobing and the music is so loud I can't tell what they're even playing. People jump around, splashing their drinks on the floor. Everyone has let go of any inhibitions as soon as they came in here.

"Would you like a drink?" He shouts over the music to me.

"Shots?" I offer back.

He raises his eyebrows at me, impressed. He leads me to the bar and asks for a round. We sit down next to each other and take the first shot. He finishes his in one swig and sets his glass down as if it was water. I, on the other hand, make a sour face and stick my tongue out. He laughs at me and pushes another one towards me.

We finish the tray. Personally I can't feel my tongue, but he looks like he could go for a whole other tray just on his own.

"You're not much of a lightweight, are you?"

"No, but you, my dear, have had enough." He says, taking my hand to go to the dancefloor.

"Are we gonna dance?"

"That's why we're here, is it not?" He shouts back at me over the noise.

"I can't believe you!" I say, laughing and smiling so big at him that it's contagious. He spins me around and puts both hands on my waist. we sway to the music, and he leans his head down to kiss my neck. I reach up and put my hand in his hair, keeping his lips against my skin.

The next song I know, I think I would know that beat anywhere. Without hesitation, I twist around in his grip. His hands follow and attach themselves to my hips, keeping them close to his as he sways with me. I put my arms on his shoulders and let my hands hang behind him. I can't tell if I'm singing along or not to the words when they start, but I don't care.

"I feel so close to you right now..." I say, singing along.

He doesn't hear me, but he does kiss me. My lips tingle from the alcohol and base of the song. My heart is racing and I feel my skin get hot. I look at him, waiting to see if he would mention my eyes turning red. He doesn't.

We dance for a few songs before I need a moment to catch my breath. He leads me to the hallway, giving me a few feet of space. I look around to see if anyone was watching, and pull a dagger that I had hidden in a strap around my thigh under my dress and hold it against his neck, pushing him into the wall.

"Once and for all, can I trust you?" I ask, staring at the blade against his skin.

"You're really the one asking that right now?" He says calmly, looking at the silver pressed against his neck.

"Answer the question, Loki."

"If you insist." He digs his fingers into my hips and twists me around, hitting me hard against the wall. In a swift motion, he pulls his own dagger from thin air and threatens it against the base of my neck. We mirror each other.

"Do you trust me, darling?" He growls through a cheeky grin. I watch his skin rapidly change colors under the club lights coming from the main room. His eyes glisten from the lights just above us.

"No." I answer, leaning my head harder against the wall to loosen his grip on my neck. One hand stays on my hip, and I feel his fingers dig deep into my waist.

"Oh, but you'd like to." He says into my ear, letting his cheek brush against mine.

"I want a lot of things, Loki, but it turns out I don't need your trust after all." I say arrogantly. I want to push his buttons. I want to see how far I can go with him until he breaks, and I want to see what he does when he's had enough of my attitude. I want to see if he will finally follow through with his initial threats to take advantage of me for his own personal gain. This is his test.

"Oh... you want to test me? Test my alliance with my brother and his Avengers? Put me in a position where I could break you to the point where you'll beg for my mercy, only to never get it? I can give you that, if that's what you really want."

He groans when I increase the pressure of my blade on his neck, his skin bending away from it, almost giving in. I smile and look down my nose at him.

"Say it again, it sounded good."

His eyes widen in surprise that I'm not afraid of him, that my fear had turned into something he wasn't expecting. Perfect, I caught him off guard. This is it, the moment I find out if I can truly trust him.

"You're intoxicated." He says, shaking his head.

"My my, and here I thought we were having fun!" I laugh, lowering my blade from his skin and tucking it back in it's place on the strap around my thigh. He hesitates to lift his, letting it slowly evaporate. He backs away and I ball his shirt in my hands, spinning him around for his turn against the wall and kiss him hard. He passed.

He doesn't resist, in fact, he kisses me back. His hands travel up my back and into my hair. I moan into the kiss, and I can feel a faint smile on his lips. His tongue plays with mine while he picks up my leg by the back of my knee and holds it against his hip. He pushes into another rough kiss while I play with his hair.

"Wait..." He says, pulling away only to speak. "I will not take advantage of you."

"Such a gentleman." I say, leaning away so that he can release my leg. "Let's get out of here." I suggest. He continues to hold my waist as he snaps his fingers, bringing us back to Tony's car just outside the bar.

Right before we get in, something twists around my ankle. I scream and shake it off. Loki looks at me confused, then in horror just past my head. I twist around quickly, almost falling over from the alcohol, to see one of those cloaked figures right behind me. Loki screams at me to get in the car, so I struggle to sit in the passenger's seat.

He furiously grabs my arm and pulls me into the car, driving off fast. He turns the corner and runs over a few traffic cones.

"I think you missed one." I say, strapping my seatbelt on.

"Really?" He questions me as he turns another corner at a red light, dodging a car to cross ongoing traffic.

"Congratulations, you just broke about 4 driving laws!"

"Ayça, this is really not the time. You're in danger, and drunk. This could not get worse..." He says, looking in the mirror to see if he'd lost the demons yet.

"If you keep driving like this, the only reason Tony is going to kill you is because I'll puke in his car." I say, holding my stomach. I have no idea how fast we're going, but it feels like ultra lightening speed.

Suddenly he slams on the breaks. His face is pure terror. I look up after catching myself on the dashboard. Oh fuck.

Thanos stopped the car.

Loki puts the car in reverse, swinging it around the other direction. It's like real-life Mario Cart. He charges towards a bridge that goes over the highway and isn't slowing down.

"Loki... what are you doing?" I ask, starting to freak out. He looks like he's in death mode, and it's terrifying.

'Do you trust me?" He asks, not looking away from the road. The car engine revs so loud as he floors the gas petal.

"Yes!" I scream as he launches us off the bridge. Within seconds, the car is in mid air. I shut my eyes and cover my face with my hands. I don't see what happens after that.

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