Part 14

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The room is silent, waiting for someone to start first. Loki stands tall with his daggers in his hands. I hide half way behind Tony, watching. Peter comes up next to me, guarding me. Thank god I've practiced controlling my demons.

"I just want to talk to Ayça." Benny says, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Then I'll simply cut out your tongue." Loki hisses.

"I know we've had a hard breakup, I just want a few minutes. It won't take long."

"Did you not hear me, you mewling quim?" Loki says, slowly stepping towards Benny with his daggers still at his sides.

"I just don't want things to end in anger, that's all!" Benny pleads.

"You are the only one to blame, you ignorant fool!" Loki shouts at him, pointing a dagger right in his face.

I can't help but giggle at the fact that the word 'cunt' had just come out of Loki's mouth, and that he's not letting Benny anywhere near me. This may be the first time that I truly trust him completely.

"Hey kid, get out of here while you can, ok?" Tony says to me while watching the scene.

"Usually I'd fight you on that one, but I agree." I say, not taking my chances. I tug on Peter's arm to come with me, and we slip behind the crowd. Our efforts are futile when Benny spots me through a gap in the guests.

"Ayça!" He calls to me. I snap my head towards him, caught off guard by hearing my name in his voice. Oh god, it's triggering. He's over used it, said it while beating me down and abusing me. My blood boils and I see my veins start to glow. I don't know if I'll be able to hold it off, and I don't want Peter to get hurt. I let go of him and make a run for it.

"Ayça, please!" Benny calls after me, but I keep going. I make my way out into the hall and find a bathroom to lock myself in. I slide down the door, trying to steady my breathing. I have no idea what's going on out there, but suddenly I hear shouting and Loki, above everyone else, telling Benny to basically fuck off.

I Admit, I could so easily lose control. I could just let my blood get angry, I could literally smite him if I wanted to. He has no idea how powerful I've become. He also doesn't know how much shit he's just gotten himself into.

"I'm gonna face him. This is my chance to see where I am in all this. He won't come back next time." I collect myself and stand up, straighten out my dress and walk out of the bathroom. At the same time, Steve and Natasha are escorting Benny out of the house. I strut towards them.

"Wait a moment." I say fiercely. They stop in the hallway. I grab Benny by the neck and slam him into the wall.

"Ayça, I don't-" Natasha warns, but I hold out my hand to stop her.

"What the fuck possessed you and made you think you could walk in here?" I ask Benny, letting my eyes go red. So far, that's all that's happening. Steve calls for Loki.

"I don't understand what I did to you to make you so mad at me, so can't you just tell me why you're mad?" He says, straining a little under my clutch. Loki rushes into the hallway to see what's going on.

"I thought I told you to get him out of here!" He sniffs at Steve and Natasha. They shrug, saying I wanted to talk to him first.

"You think I'm mad? Mad is when you slam the door behind you. Mad is when you scratch the pen across the paper because you found out there's no ink left. Mad is when you cry because you don't know what else to do. That's mad. And Benny? I'm a little past mad." I growl at him.

"Should we do something?" Natasha whispers to Loki.

"Let her play this out. She needs this."

"What the hell is wrong with your eyes?" Benny asks, getting scared.

I spit in his face. "There are not words to describe how much I hate you. God, do I hate you! And I know how much you want to know why. How much it would help you move on, how much it would help you justify what you did, but somehow I bet you'd still turn it around on me. Say something like, 'oh, but you could make your own decisions, you brought this on yourself'. I think that's bullshit. You want to know why I hate you so much?" I ask, squeezing his neck tighter. His face turns red from lack of blood flow. I keep my eyes red and let the blood in my veins glow, but just a little.

"Yeah just fucking tell me!" He he begs. I pause, getting my face so close to his. I lean in further to his ear.

"It sucks to want something you can't have, doesn't it?" I hiss. Then I let him go. "Go to hell."

He literally runs away like a coward down the hall. I look at Steve and Natasha who seem impressed as all hell, then at Loki. He looks so proud, it's unreal.

"That felt good." I say to him, exhaling heavily.

"That's my girl."

"And that's our que, come on Nat." Steve says, hurrying Natasha back inside.

He leans in to kiss me hard, then kisses my forehead. "Back to the party, then?" He offers.

"Actually, I could really blow off some steam."

"I have an idea." He says, moving my hair out of my face.

"You... you do?" I ask, suddenly kind of concerned. Last time he took me somewhere, just the two of us, we literally went to Hell.

"Oh dear, do you still not trust me?" He mocks me. I roll my eyes at him, crossing my arms in front of my chest. My heart flutters after every time he says 'oh dear', I can't help it.

"I trust that I shouldn't trust you completely yet. You're going to have to try harder." I challenge him.

"Then let me be of some assistance, darling." He says, clutching my forearm in his hand; his long, muscular fingers wrapping all the way around it. He suddenly snaps his fingers and we are in Tony's garage surrounded by rows of the most expensive sports cars I've ever seen. I look around and eventually at Loki, who has taken off his green suit jacket and flung it over his shoulder, holding it in place with two fingers. "Pick a color." He says simply.

"I've always loved the color green." I say, picking up what he's putting down. He has a pair of keys appear out of thin air and tosses them to me. I click the unlock button and a forest green sports car that rides low to the ground a few cars over shines it's lights and beeps, echoing through the garage.

"Excellent choice, my dear." He says, swaggering over to it and opening the driver's side door for me. I curtsy at him playfully and get in, watching the door slide automatically down next to me.

I turn the engine over and swing the car out of it's parking spot. I open the garage door and, as I make my way towards the street I see Steve, Tony and Thor all running after us. I laugh as Loki sticks his head out the window and gives them all the middle finger. We make it to the road and I turn on the radio, blasting MONTERO by Lil Naz X.

"She took my car." Tony says blankly, watching us drive away.

"They shouldn't be left unattended." Thor points out.

"Well then... who's looking after who?" Steve asks, looking to Tony for an answer.

Tony shifts his weight to one leg and rests his hands on his hips with a deep sigh, looking up at the night sky. "Shit."

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