Part 8

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"Oh my god... oh my GOD!!" I exclaim, jumping out of my seat and running over to Peter, literally my favorite superhero. "HI!" I greet him by throwing my arms around his neck. "Sorry, I'm just a huge fan!" I totally make a fool out of myself fangirling over this boy.

He takes it well, hugging me back trying not to spill his slushie and laughing. "No no, I think it's sweet! What's your name?" He asks, pulling away to look at me.

"I'm Ayça, I'm uh... new."

"Oh, so you're an Avenger?"

"Uh..." I process something to say, like a drop down menu in my head of acceptable ways to respond to that question. Nothing.

"She's a groupie." Tony calls from where the group was, now dispersing.

"Tony, I'm not-" I begin, then just shrug it off. Best not tell Spiderman that his biggest fan is the anti-Christ.

I look back over to the group, and my eye catches Loki. He's shifting in his seat, his fist clenched in front of his mouth. He's giving me the Kubrick stare, which catches me off guard. I try sincerely smiling at him for once, which catches him off guard. This is kind of awkward, but also kind of... cute? Why does he have such a problem with me liking Peter so much?

"Sorry to leave as soon as you've gotten here, but Ayça has some training to do. She'll see you soon, though." Thor says, guiding me gently to an open space in the room. Loki joins my other side, and we glide up into the air, surrounded by flashing streams of light and suddenly on the Bifrost on Asgard.

"Holy shit, I'm on Asgard..." I say out loud. There it is, full of gold and beauty. The rainbow bridge is longer than I expected, and the water is so crisp you could see to the bottom on a sunny day. I stand there in aw until Loki pushes me forward by the small of my back. I shuffle forward, trying to keep up with them.

We walk along the bridge, Thor leading while Loki walks beside me. I start feeling intimidated by everything all of a sudden, and can feel my heart beat rise. Am I allowed to be here? Will people see right through me? I rub my fingertips together as an involuntary nervous tendency. My breathing gets uneasy, and I feel a hand wrap around mine. It startles me so I look down and see Loki holding my hand. Loki holding my hand. I look up at him, and he's already looking at me.

"I can tell you're getting nervous. Just thought I'd help keep the... demon... dormant for you." He explains. Oh my god he's adorable.

"Sure you didn't wanna just hold my hand?" I tease him.

"Don't flatter yourself." He says, failing to hide a smile and pink cheeks.

I scrunch my nose at him when he glances back over at me for a moment, then we both look ahead. Thor turns his head half way around, catching my attention to point something out to me that he finds exciting. I don't really pay attention, because I'm just waiting for him to turn back around so Loki can hold me hand again.

We arrive at the palace finally, but Loki stops us before we go inside. "Thor, a moment?" He asks, gesturing his brother over. They don't stand too far away from me since they want to keep an eye out. I absolutely eavesdrop on them.

"Don't you think she should blend in more?" Loki questions.

"What do you have in mind?"

"You're the idea guy."

"I am not! I'm the action guy, you're the idea guy."

"Thor... have you met me? I'm the bad idea guy. Let's just get her an old Valkyrie suit so it looks like she's training to be one of them."

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