Part 20

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Beth and I decided to spend the day together. I had invited her to spend the night, since it had been too long since we had any sister time. Thank god she brought some of my clothes with her, I missed my lucky bra. It always got me to second base.

We've told Loki it's a girl's night only. When we did, he literally pushed out his lower lip like a child and shuffled away. I think I remember my sister telling me I had him whipped.

"Alright, so you're stuck in an elevator with only two Harry Potter characters, who are they? Go!" My sister asks, eating popcorn across from me while we chill on my bed.

"Ok uh... Ginny, obviously, and Luna. Another obvious." I say, tossing a piece of popcorn in the air and catching it in my mouth.

"Ok, my turn. Which two characters from 'That 70's Show' are you most like?"

"I'd have to say... a mix between Kelso and Eric, because I can be really clueless but I'm also high a lot of the time."

"Beth, oh my god!" I say, laughing.

"What about you?"

"Easy, Jackie and Red."

"Nah, I see that!" We both continue to laugh like a couple of sorority girls.

We sit around for a while, periodically getting up to dance around. We make silly videos, tell each other stories, everything I need to help me get back on track. After this, I feel like I can focus on more training again. Sometimes, you just need your sister.

Suddenly, the fun stops when Natasha comes bursting in the door. "Ayça, get up now! We need you!"

"What the hell is going on, Nat?" I say, dropping my skittles on the floor, startled by her intrusion.

"No time to explain. Put something on and Hurry!"

"What about Beth?" I ask, motioning to her.

"She's been training, too. No time to get her out of here. Thanos is here!"

She runs down the hallway, and my sister and I share a soulful look. "Oh fuck." We say together.

I hustle to put on a modified version of the Valkyrie suit I wore when on Asgard. I had been able to replicate it to where I could harness my magic through my gloves, that way it's easier to fight in. I look like a true Avenger in it, too. Beth pulls her jeans back on.

"You're gonna fight in those?" I ask, ready to run to help.

"What else you got?" She asks, throwing her hands to the side. I snap my fingers to give her a matching suit to mine.

"Let's go!" I say, grabbing her arm. Unfortunately, I haven't mastered transportation yet. Loki and I hadn't gotten there in our training, just shapeshifting and power moves. So instead, we take the elevator. I see from the window before we get in that they are invading the front doors. They close and we start descending the tower.

"Beth, you ok?" I ask, seeing her face. She's terrified.

"I'm... no I'm not. Am I ready for this?" She questions.

"Of course you are. I won't let anything happen to you. There's a reason I had Nat train with you, so if something like this happens, you're prepared."

"You know, I'm really glad you're my sister." She says, smiling lovingly at me.

"I'm glad to be your sister, too."

A moment goes by where we don't say anything, then she turns to me and says, "Hey, let's do 'get help'."

Frowning, I say, "What?"

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