Part 27

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Author's note: So... I haven't written a lot in Loki's pov, and haven't for a while. I really actually like exploring his mind, so I'm going to start off this chapter by doing just that, just for the fun of it. So enjoy a dinner with a very losing-her-shit -Ayça and the Avengers from the pov of the god of mischief himself!
Also, this is a super long chapter but only because there's some spice at the end ;)


"Ayça, darling? We may want to join the others soon." I whisper into her ear. If I didn't know better, we've been sat here on the restroom floor for almost ten minutes. I cradle her in my arms, her soft cheek nuzzled against my neck. Her face is a bit wet from when she was crying. Of course, I don't blame her. She is coming to understand just how powerful she is, and who she is, for that matter.

I could stay here all night, all my life if I have to. But we have much larger matters on our hands. She does not respond to my voice, so I stroke the back of her head and say her name again. She stirs, and looks at me with doe eyes. Oh, what a beauty. She looks so distressed, yet somehow wearing it gracefully.

"My dear, we can cuddle later. Lets eat, yes?" I say, trying to smile at her. She leans back, wiping her face from left over tears. She laughs a little, seeming to feel ashamed for crying. I help her up and hold her hands against my chest. "You're ethereal." I say, kissing her forehead.

"Ethereal? Loki, I'm the antichrist." She responds.

"Always the optimist." I tease. She kisses me lightly, then leads me out of the restroom to join the others.

We sit close to each other. She's always sat by my side, even before we truly trusted each other. I quite liked that about her. Even when she couldn't trust me alone, she had let her guard down at least for a little while. I'm pleased things have progressed since then.

"Hey, honey bunnies." Tony says, offering her a beer. She takes it and nearly downs the entire thing at once.

"You good?" Her sister asks in a humorous tone from across the table.

"Peachy." She responds, landing the empty beer bottle hard on the table.

"Hide the vodka..." Tony says to Steve playfully.

"Look, I'm fine. Ok? Really. I feel great, I look great, I am great! I'm as peachy as a peach that peaches." Ayça states. My dear, she seems off her tracks.

There is an awkward tension so great one could slice it with a knife. I exchange a hesitant glance with my brother, who motions for me to do something. I pivot slightly in my seat to face Ayça.

"My dear, you should really eat something if you're going to drink like that." I suggest. Apparently, that was not the thing to say since immediately after I said it, I had a glass hauling towards my head. To my surprise, Ayça catches it right before it hits my head. She slides it over to Tony, requesting more alcohol.

"You know what I just realized? I don't really have parents. I mean, I was raised by a woman who doesn't even know the biggest thing about me, and my dad is basically a big ugly thumb looking twat. Wonder how he charmed her!"

"I'm sure that's not how it went-" I begin, trying to calm her down. At this point, her drink is splashing around in it's cup, dancing with the threat of spilling everywhere. Where is this coming from all of a sudden?

"Like, did Thanos turn off his purple and hit up my mom at a bar 20 something years ago? I wonder what his pickup line was. Like hey lady, is your refrigerator running? Well then you better go chase it!" She says, drinking what's left in her glass. Peter tries to take it from her hand, but she pulls away from him.

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