Part 12

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Author's note: Um yes hi ok I literally squealed as I wrote the last part! Hope you all liked it! Also, this is a pretty important chapter with a steamy (in more ways than one) scene wrapped up in it. Never written this kind of scene before so lets see where it goes because honestly... I don't know... But Loki does ;)


About a week has gone by since Peter and I were surrounded by those evil demons sent by Thanos. A week since Loki kissed me.

We haven't said anything to anyone, instead we've been writing little notes to each other and discreetly passing them along. Sometimes he will leave a note on my nightstand, telling me to come to his room for a goodnight kiss. Other times I'll slip a note into his hand as I'm walking by just to tell him I'm thinking about him. It's adorable.

This hasn't taken my focus off the fact that I'm slowly turning into the daughter of the underworld. In fact, it gives me more one on one time with my trainer. I like to think of him that way, because I can really tell that Loki wants me on his side. He wants me to win.

We've been training in the cage I called my first home when I got here about two months ago. We use it since the room has no windows, and the magic stays inside the cage. Odd how we've both been held captive in it, yet here we are coming together to use it to our advantage.

We've been practicing getting focused on the feeling itself, and not the trigger. Trying to activate my powers without having to traumatize me to get there. So far, we've managed to smoke ourselves out of the room and set the fire alarm off a few times.

But today is a new day. Today, We will get there and everything will be fine.


"Ow, FUCK!"

"Oh shit..."

"Loki, where are you?"

"Ayça get out!"

"Where's the door!?"

"That's not the door, Ayça!"

I fumble across the floor until I finally come across the latch to the door and open it, falling weakly to the ground. I groan as I just lay there, completely defeated.

Loki rests against the doorframe as we wait for the smoke to fade away.

"This isn't working... all I'm doing is setting myself on fire."

"Well, you've always been hot, Ayça."

I think I just stopped breathing. My body goes stiff as I try not to burst out in laughter. I pick up my head and turn to look at him. He's got his arms folded across his chest and one foot crossing the other as he leans against the door frame like a frat boy about to ask someone out to a party that night.

"You think I'm hot?"

"That's not my usual vocabulary, I do admit. But I do crack a joke every now and again." He says, chuckling to himself.

"Well then I guess it helps to be a frost giant in this case."

"Watch it." He warns, but the words remain light on his tongue.

"Make me." I say, standing up and walking right up to him.

He wastes no time shutting us in the cage and making a blank scene appear to anyone who walks in, cloaking us completely. He pushes me into the wall, lifting my legs on either side of him and kisses me hard. I wrap my arms around him, hanging onto his hips with my thighs. Our breathing heavies and my heart flutters when I feel his tongue in my mouth. He kisses me again, then trails his lips down my neck. I flutter my eyes closed and give into him. He presses me harder into the wall and I pull on his hair. He meets my lips again with such soft, rumbling laughter that my stomach does flips.

"Your eyes..." He says through heavy breathing when he pauses in between kisses.

"What about them?" I ask, seeing the sudden concern on his face. His skin starts turning red. It's starting? now?

"Loki, get back." I say, struggling to get down from his grip. He lets me down gently and takes a few steps back. His expression goes from concerned to almost menacing. He smiles at me.

"Give into it." He tell me.

"Do you trust me?" I ask, watching my fingertips turn black. I know this means it will come for real this time and not just blow up in my face.

"Not entirely." He admits, still awaiting the transformation.

I let go completely, letting my hands fall open and tilting my head back. Smoke surrounds my body like a thin veil of water. My hair turns jet black and I take in a deep breath, feeling the blood boiling under my skin.

"It's working, Ayça." He tells me. I pick my head back up to look at him. I feel calm. I feel powerful. "Come to me."

I walk slowly towards him. The magic is overwhelming, but I keep it under control. It slips here and there, and I almost knock him to the ground in defense. I know he is not a threat, though. That seems to help keep control.

"Yes! Yes that's it. Now, form a plasma ball in your hands. Hold it here." He instructs, gesturing to right in front of his stomach. "Draw your power from here."

I slowly take my hands and curl them around a ball of energy at my stomach, one on top and one underneath. Nothing appears at first. I take in a sharp breath, then exhale.

"Give it more!" He growls at me.

I take in another breath, and exhale as sharply as I can. When I do, I feel heat in between my hands. I look down, and a glowing ball of bright red energy is being harnessed in my clutches. Loki laughs in astonishment, and I can see just how proud he is. He's proud of me.

I get excited, and toss the plasma across the room. It hits the wall, leaving a glowing burn mark in the shape of a Nordic rune of some sort. It's a vertical line with a triangle sprouting off the right side.

Loki catches a glimpse of it before it turns to just a burn mark, smudged with smoke as it fades away. He's suddenly right in front of me, his fingertips crawling up my cheek. He adds his other hand to the other side of my face and closes his eyes, focusing. I watch him work his magic as it releases me from the darkness I conjured. I'm back to myself in a matter of seconds.

"What was that symbol?" I ask him, not recognizing it.

"Nothing for you to worry about, my dear."

"Tell me." I say, putting up an argument.

He sighs, looking at his boots before meeting my eyes again. "It's a Nordic rune for chaos and evil. I'm actually not all that surprised to see it."

"What does it mean?"

"It's your mark, Ayça." He says, taking his hands away from my face.

"Oh..." That's heartbreaking. It's just a reminder of what really runs through my veins.

"Ayça, please listen to me, here in this moment, right now. You are not evil. You are destined to make the choice between becoming evil, or defeating it. That is your choice that you make. Do you understand?"

I nod, trying to regular my breathing. He kisses me softly on the cheek. "Time for a break. Shall we?" He asks, gesturing towards the doors.

"Yes please." I say, following him out. I close the door to the cage behind me. It dawns on me that although I can feel what's happening to me, I have no idea what it looks like to anyone around me. I wonder if I look like me when I change. I'm kind of scared to ask.

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