45: Perfect

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Time flew by too quickly for Frank to quantify. With Pete in a rehab program to help him heal from his need to self-harm as well as his alcohol addiction, he didn't have his best friend to break up his days, and with Gerard distancing himself for him, he felt like he was losing his boyfriend as well. He did his best to play the part of a carefree teenager. He spent time with Jamia and Simon and a few acquaintances from work in an effort to break up the monotony of the day, but all of it felt paltry in comparison to the happier times he missed sharing with Gerard and Pete.

Frank didn't begrudge either of them for what had happened; Pete needed this time to heal and find himself again, and Gerard needed to focus on Mikey and his teaching career, not Frank at the moment. They still spent some time together, but it was limited, and Frank could sense that Gerard was building up some of the walls that he had worked so hard to break down.

Gerard was scared, which was understandable, if also terrifying to see the man he looked to for so much afraid of their relationship. Apparently it had gotten out among the school and staff that Mikey had overdosed and was in rehab, which didn't go over well in a very Catholic environment. Gerard was on a short leash now that his family drama had been brought into the light. At times his class was even observed by other teachers or members of the school board. Frank's heart ached for Gerard, but he had no idea what he could do to help him. It wasn't fair that he was being judged for Mikey's actions, but as life proved so often, it was anything but fair.

Frank's own situation continued on as it always had. His mother had her ups and downs, the highs and lows growing so intense that Frank had been spending much of his free time researching how to get her hospitalized without her consent. Even thinking of this step felt like a betrayal, but he was at his wit's ends, and he knew he wouldn't be able to continue caring for her alone for much longer. In fact, he was seriously considering going to college after all despite his earlier misgivings. Thanks to Simon, he had put in some applications to a few schools, and much to his surprise, he had already received two acceptance letters, one of which even offered him financial aid.

Frank didn't know exactly what he wanted to do after high school, he had no huge dreams or aspirations, but he knew he didn't want to stay at the restaurant forever. He was seriously considering getting a teaching degree. He had never thought about being a teacher before he met Gerard, but even if he wasn't in love with the older man, he was certainly inspired by him. The way he spoke and explained music theory was captivating, and Frank would like to be able to help students connect with a subject the way Gerard does. It was once only a thought, but it was had now lodged itself in Frank's brain permanently.

He had mentioned the idea to Gerard one night over the phone when he had time to talk, and his boyfriend had been ecstatic for him. In fact, it was the happiest Frank had seen, or in this case, heard him in weeks. The only downside was the fact that the campus that had offered him financial aid was over an hour away, but a part of Frank didn't mind that so much. He would miss Gerard of course, and Pete, but he wanted to leave this city behind. It held too many bad memories for him, and maybe he could convince Pete to apply to that college too once he was allowed to contact him.

But all of that was in the future, and right now, Frank was doing his best to take things one day at a time so he wouldn't get overwhelmed. His finals were coming up, so he had the distraction of studying to keep his mind off of the bad things. That and work occupied his hours, leaving him so exhausted by the end of the night that he barely allowed himself to get upset when Gerard was unable to talk like he usually was of late.

Although Frank wouldn't label it as such, he was almost using his father as a replacement for Gerard. When he wanted to talk to his boyfriend and he wouldn't answer, he would call his dad. They had gotten much closer over the past few months, so much so that Frank was even considering taking him up on his offer to visit him. At first, he had been against the idea. He was glad that they were getting closer again, but he had no idea how he would react to seeing the man in person for the first time in three years.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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