42: Lost And Found

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Frank had no idea how he ended up in the hospital, but somehow, there he was. Perhaps Pete's mother had driven him, or the police officer, maybe he had taken the car himself? It didn't matter at the end of the day. He was here, in one piece somehow. Water dripped from his clothes and gathered in his shoes as he shuffled awkwardly into the room, his eyes fixated on Pete's mother. The pink hood of her jacket guided him forward, its bright color becoming a beacon of hope in the darkness of Frank's mind.

Frank followed her blindly. A shiver wracked his soaked frame when she stopped in front of a desk situated at the front of the room. Chaos was erupting around them, but Frank barely noticed the screaming children or the other people pushing past him in search of help. A part of him wanted to look around, to focus on someone else's distress besides his own, but if he did that, he might lose the tenuous hold he had on his emotions.

Not only that, but the fact that Gerard might be here hadn't escaped Frank. This was the same hospital that Frank had taken Mikey to, which meant that Gerard could be in this very building right now. The string attached to his heart that always seemed to be tugging in Gerard's direction begged Frank to go look for him. Gerard would know what to do, or at the very least, Frank could seek comfort in his arms until this was over, but no, he couldn't do that either. He wasn't allowed to run away from this, especially not when he was the one who had caused it.

And even if Gerard was here, he would be with Mikey, and he didn't need to deal with Frank's drama on top of his own. This was something Frank had to deal with alone, no matter how much it hurt. Pete had run away from him, he had hurt himself because of him, so Frank wasn't allowed to try and brush that off in his boyfriend's embrace, no matter how badly he wanted to.

"This way." Pete's mother tapped on his shoulder, dragging Frank out of his thoughts which he had been lost in. "They took him to ICU," she added on before Frank could ask.

Frank nodded dumbly. He had no words to say to her, but at the same time, he felt that he owed her so much more than silence. Her son was in the hospital because of him. He had jumped off a bridge because of him. How could Frank ever make this right? If he lost Pete, he not only lost his best friend, but he lost his true family as well.

"Did they say how he's doing?" Frank managed to croak out after they entered a deserted elevator which he assumed was going to take them to where Pete was.

"No...the nurse said I would have to ask on this floor."

"Oh," Frank answered softly. He kept his mouth shut after that, allowing the two of them to stew in their own worries as the elevator carried them higher by the second.

When the doors opened with a ping, Frank was reluctant to get out. As badly as he wanted to see Pete, he was so afraid that they were about to receive news that neither of them were ready to hear. Frank was trying to think positively, but it was difficult to do so while in this place where so many tragedies happen. 

Pete's mother didn't seem to share his hesitance. She strode out as soon as she had the space to do so, her quick steps inspiring Frank to push his cold body into motion once more. Despite his earlier promise, Frank couldn't help it when his eyes danced around the less crowded waiting room searching for Gerard. Mikey was in the ICU at one point, and although he had probably been moved by now, Frank's hope still rose momentarily before plummeting back down when he didn't see Gerard anywhere.

Frank slumped down in a chair close to the desk where Pete's mother was currently speaking with another nurse after their conversation carried on for a few minutes. Mrs. Wentz didn't seem as frantic as she was earlier, which Frank took as a good sign, but he was too exhausted to continue trying to eavesdrop with little success. His wet jeans clung to his thighs as he tried to find a comfortable position. He was fighting a losing battle, but it was better than breaking down in tears, which he was on the verge of doing if he didn't keep himself distracted.

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