33: Distraction

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"Frank?" Gerard questioned warily when he opened the door of his apartment complex after hearing a series of rapid knocks, his eyes widening as he glanced over the apparently distressed younger man with what he was sure was a concerned look. "You didn't tell me you were coming over."

Not that Gerard minded Frank's unexpected arrival of course, but Frank usually at least called and asked first. Frank shrugged helplessly as he walked inside when Gerard motioned for him to do so, his shoulders which had been tensed to the point of rigidity relaxing by a small margin when he entered the living room.

"I'm sorry, I should have asked first, but I needed to get away," Frank exhaled heavily.

"Away from what?" Gerard dared to ask, although he was unsure of how Frank would react to his questioning.

"Everything - just, I can't talk about it yet okay," Frank choked out. "Please distract me."

"Okay, yeah, I can do tha-"

Gerard was cut off when Frank surged forward, attaching their mouths together in a heated kiss. Gerard was well aware that this was Frank's usual coping methods for dealing with things he wasn't ready to face, and even if he wasn't sure what the problem was, this was something he knew he could help Frank with.

Gerard was still slightly in awe of the fact that Frank had chosen him to be this person for him, that he wanted Gerard to be his shelter from the harsh realities of the world, that he cared for him so much that he trusted him in his most vulnerable moments.

Gerard didn't think he was worthy of this task, although he wanted to be, but Frank deserved so much better than him. Gerard had tried to show him that, to give him the opportunity to leave, but Frank had stubbornly remained, so Gerard was determined to be the best boyfriend that he could for Frank until he realized his error, even if that would never be good enough for the wonderful boy who was currently pressed against him.

Gerard might not be right for Frank, but he could assist him in this, so he let Frank steal the air from his lungs until some of his pent-up emotions seemed to ease for a moment, his arms wrapping around his torso in a supporting manner when Frank sagged against him as their lips broke apart.

"Do you want to try something new?" Gerard suggested when Frank began bucking into him needily, his cock straining against the fabric of his jeans as he rubbed against Gerard suggestively.

"Like what?" Frank whispered breathily, his eyes already carrying the glazed over quality that meant he was slipping away from whatever was causing him so much pain and sinking into the lust pumping through his bloodstream instead.

"Get in the bedroom and I'll show you," Gerard smirked, his teeth biting into his lower lip to suppress a laugh when Frank all but ran down the short hallway, tossing his shirt off as he went.

Gerard followed at a slightly slower pace, mulling over what he actually wanted to do in his head. He knew what Frank needed, he wanted to let go of his concerns, to give over control to Gerard for at least a short time, and he could think of numerous activities that would help him achieve that, but he wasn't entirely certain which one to pick.

Frank was already waiting for him on the bed, his chest heaving lightly as he stared at Gerard when he walked into the small space. A smile instinctively turned Gerard's lips up at the corners when he saw him lying there - his boyfriend - god that would never get old.

Gerard had decided he must have done something incredible act in another life to earn him Frank in this one, because he sure as hell hadn't earned him, or maybe this was the one good thing that the universe had decided to grace him with. Gerard didn't really believe in karma, or religion, or any of that, but some other force must have intervened to give him someone like Frank, there was really no other explanation that he could think of.

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