7: Prepare Yourselves For Porn

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If Frank thought he was in Heaven before, then kissing Gerard must be a special level reserved only for the most holy, or maybe he had descended into Hell and it was actually much more pleasant than the Bible led everyone to believe. Gerard's lips were certainly sinful enough to belong to the devil himself; the way they moved wickedly against his own with a feverish intensity was causing Frank to go weak at the knees already.

Frank couldn't get enough of the way Gerard's lips felt against his own, and he tried to memorize this sensation so he could play it back over and over again at a later date.

It was as if Frank had been yearning for this moment to happen for years, instead of hours, and even though that was ridiculous - Frank hadn't even know about Gerard's existence before tonight - Frank had been searching for someone who could make him feel this way, someone that evoked more than just plain lust when Frank laid eyes on them.

And Gerard definitely fit the bill; he had Frank experiencing so many different emotions, he couldn't even begin to list them all, and the rush of relief that was flowing throughout his veins now that he was finally kissing Gerard had to mean something.

And even if it ended up meaning nothing at all, Frank could live with that, because this kiss was hands down the best one Frank had ever received, and that was saying a lot coming from someone like Frank.

Gerard's lips were made for this, and the way he vibrated slightly against Frank when he moaned into his mouth was the hottest thing in the world; it had Frank opening up instantly so Gerard could slip his tongue just where Frank wanted it to be.

Gerard tasted like beer, and vodka, but also clean - crisp even, and underneath the alcohol and the slightly smoky flavor was an intoxicating something that had Frank desperate for more, running his tongue against Gerard's eagerly in the hopes of picking up another trace of the elusive taste, which Frank couldn't place a name to - it was just Gerard.

Feeling bold now that all of the tension had finally led up to exactly what he was hoping for, Frank moved one of his hands from its previous position where it had been hooked in Gerard's hair to his cheek, feeling the slight scrape of stubble against his palm as he tilted Gerard's head downward so he could deepen the kiss, gasping slightly against his mouth in an attempt to draw air into his aching lungs without breaking away from Gerard's lips.

Apparently Gerard was also feeling the need to breathe though, because it wasn't long before he was pulling away from Frank, their heavy panting ringing out harshly in the still air, the movie still paused and forgotten about in the background.

Frank marveled at how perfect Gerard looked in this moment; his lips slick with spit and a deeper shade of red than the light pink tint they usually carried, his cheeks flushed and his mouth twitching upward into a bewildered smile as he chest heaved slightly.

Frank had the random urge to pull out his phone and snap a picture of Gerard like this, but that would probably be an excellent mood killer, so he refrained from his strange impulses, instead, taking a moment to hold the image in his brain where it hopefully wouldn't decay with time.

When Gerard didn't immediately say anything, Frank began to panic again now that the high of having Gerard's lips pressing against his was ebbing. Gerard didn't look upset, and he shouldn't be - he had kissed Frank first after all, but when he didn't attempt to drag Frank back in for another kiss, Frank felt the overwhelming urge to apologize, even though he hadn't done anything wrong.

Frank gave Gerard another few seconds to compose himself, and maybe say something - anything, but Gerard continued to sit there, looking slightly shell shocked and overwhelmed, and even though seconds earlier, Frank had been ecstatic that they had finally both made a move, all of his previous nervous thoughts were coming back full force.

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