41: Alone

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Frank ran after Pete hurriedly, his untied laces slapping against his ankles as he chased after his best friend. Pete had already disappeared from sight, and although Frank strained his ears, he couldn't hear his footsteps over the pounding rain that had started earlier. The air was hot and sticky, the dampness making it difficult to breathe while Frank hurried down the pavement. His eyes darted back and forth frantically, but he didn't see Pete, even when he reached the end of the cul-de-sac he lived in.

A shadow flickered off to the left, so Frank chased it, his throat growing hoarse as he cried for Pete to wait for him, but the other man ignored his pleading. For a few minutes, Frank managed to keep pace with the taller boy, but soon enough, he lost track of him. It wasn't long before Frank couldn't even hear his footsteps smacking against the wet pavement. Pete was gone, and Frank had no idea how to find him.

So Frank backtracked to his starting point, Pete's house. He couldn't do this alone, he needed help, and the only person available to him was Pete's mother. He took a moment to decide if this was truly the best thing to do. He had already betrayed Pete's trust by reading his notebook, and now he might be about to do it again by enlisting his mother's help in his search, but it was worth the risk. Frank had almost zero chance of finding Pete in the dark on his own, but if he was able to borrow his mother's car, it would be much easier to track him down.

Frank knew he would have a hard time forgiving Pete if he went to his mother and told her one of his deepest secrets, but this was different. Pete might hurt himself if he wasn't found soon, and Pete's mother deserved to know that her son was in danger. She was a good person, and she would be able to help mend things, unlike Frank's own mother. So before he could second-guess himself any further, Frank darted back inside, his wet shoes squelching across the carpet as Frank made his way to Pete's parents' room.

"Mrs. Wentz," Frank whispered under his breath. His heart raced in his chest as he debated his actions for a second time. This was his last chance to back out before it was too late, but he had no other option. "Mrs. Wentz, please wake up," he repeated at a louder volume.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Wentz sat up in bed in response to Frank's shout. Although both of them had just been awoken out of a deep sleep, they both seemed aware of where they were and what was going on.

"Frank, what's wrong?" Pete's mother asked, her tone conveying the same emotions that were bubbling beneath Frank's skin.

"It's Pete, he's gone, and I think he's going to do something stupid," Frank blurted out.

"Show me," she commanded. "Honey, you stay here in case he comes back, call me if he does," she told her husband who was also scrambling to his feet.

Pete's father nodded mutely as Frank and Mrs. Wentz hurried out of the room. Pete's mother didn't bother changing out of her pajamas, but she did pause in the doorway to slip on some tennis shoes and a pink jacket before ushering Frank in the direction of her car. Frank's wet converse left small puddles of water on the carpet as he followed her into the vehicle, his soaked clothes protesting the deluge of rain that greeted them the second they stepped outside.

"What direction did he go?" Mrs. Wentz asked once they were both secured inside the car. Frank hadn't seen her grab the keys, but she was currently shoving them into the ignition, so he must have missed it in his haste to get back to Pete.

"That way," Frank pointed down the street. "He turned left at the intersection, but then I lost him in the dark." Frank took a deep breath, trying to calm his shaky nerves with no avail. "I'm so sorry for waking you up, I just didn't know what else to do."

"Don't apologize, you did the right thing," she cut him off before he could continue speaking. "I'm glad you care enough about Pete to come and get me, not everyone would do that. Now...can you tell me what happened?"

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