2: In Which Pete May Or May Not Have Performed Kinky Experiments Involving Salsa

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Frank approached Pete's familiar house on tired feet; he hadn't really wanted to stop by today - not because he didn't want to see his friend, Frank was just running on three hours of sleep, and he had originally planned on napping before he had to be at work in a few hours.

But Pete had been blowing up his phone, starting at nine o' clock this morning, and continuing with his relentless messaging even once Frank had proven that he was still alive and functioning after last night. Pete refused to stop his excessive texting until Frank had agreed to come over, so Frank found himself knocking on his best friend's door halfheartedly as he did his best to stifle a jaw popping yawn.

"I've got it mom!" Pete's excited voice rang out, and Frank wondered how deaf Pete thought his mother was that inspired him to yell so loudly that Frank could hear it from his position on the front porch.

"Frankie!" Pete grinned happily before engulfing Frank in a bone crushing hug. Frank wasn't a very affectionate person, but Pete was always like this, even if he had just seen Frank yesterday, and Frank often compared him to an overexcited puppy in his mind.

Sometimes, Pete's hyper active nature could get irritating, but Frank actually enjoyed his bubbly personality. It brought Frank out of the morose cloud he was typically cocooned in, and Pete never failed to make Frank smile, which was a feat in itself. Pete and Frank's friendship proved the old saying "opposites attract", because even though they were contradictory in so many ways, they melded together perfectly.

"Hey Pete," Frank shoved his friend off gently when Pete showed no signs of letting go of him anytime soon.

"I was worried about you when you didn't respond to any of my texts yesterday." Pete grinned sheepishly when he finally released him.

"Sorry, but you know how I get...I just didn't feel up to socializing you know?" Frank shrugged uncomfortably, because even though he felt bad about ignoring Pete, he thought he would understand his radio silence. Maybe he had forgotten what day it was - Frank wouldn't blame him if he did.

"It's okay, you are here now."

"So...are you gonna invite me in, or are we hanging out on the porch today?" Frank smirked at Pete, who literally looked around as if he had only just now realized that they were still standing outside.

"Oops, my bad," Pete giggled before heading back inside with Frank trailing after him.

"Hello Frank dear," Pete's mother greeted them as they entered the kitchen, where she was cooking something that smelled delicious.

"Hey Mrs. Wentz," Frank answered as he took in the amazing scent that wafted from the oven.

Frank loved spending time at Pete's place, especially when his mother was home, because she always treated him like part of the family, and she reminded Frank of how his mother used to act before his father's departure. Frank felt more at home here than he ever did in his own house lately, and even though he hadn't wanted to come over earlier, he was glad that he had. Something about Pete's house just oozed peacefulness, and Frank could fully relax here.

"Are you hungry? Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes."

"Yeah that would be great, thank you so much," Frank gushed while his stomach growled loudly, as if it wanted to vocalize its input as well.

Frank hadn't had a chance to eat anything today in his rush to get to the bank and make some deposits, and there hadn't been any decent food in the house anyway. He had been planning on grabbing a quick bite once he got to work, but a home cooked meal made by Mrs. Wentz was an opportunity that he would never pass up.

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