6: Frank Iero The Gerard Watcher - Coming Soon To Animal Planet

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As the movie began to play, and Frank settled back onto the couch with his drink in hand, he was halfway convinced that he had died and gone to Heaven somehow, even though he was pretty sure he would remember if he had bit the big one, but that was the only explanation for how tonight had turned out so far.

It seemed much more plausible that Frank had passed away in the last five minutes than to think that this was all real; that would explain Gerard's perfection at the very least, because someone like him could definitely make Frank a believer in angels.

Frank mentally winced as his cheesy analogy, but he couldn't seem to help himself tonight; Gerard had turned Frank into a sappy mess of emotions, and he had no idea how to deal with it, but at least he hadn't voiced any of his thoughts out loud, and as long as Gerard wasn't a mind reader, his corny commentary was safely contained inside his head.

Frank wasn't even entirely certain how he had gone from trying to find a hookup in the bar, to befriending Mikey, to ending to next to the most beautiful man he had ever seen, but he definitely wasn't complaining, no matter how unrealistic this entire situation seemed.

It wasn't like Frank couldn't remember the actual events of this evening - of course he could, and honestly, he would probably never forget them, but good things in Frank's life were few and far between, and people like Gerard shouldn't want to be around people like Frank, but he did, and that made Frank's sad existence a little easier to bear.

And even though Gerard hadn't really done that much - he had simply given Frank a few drinks and let him stay over for a bit - those small gestures meant everything to Frank, because kindness wasn't something that Frank was used to dealing with, and this was the last thing he had assumed would happen to him tonight, which just made it all the more special to him.

Gerard just seemed too good to be true, and Frank had been expecting to be politely asked to leave as soon as Mikey was home safe, but Gerard had welcomed Frank into his home - his life, and Frank didn't deserve that, which made him even more grateful for that gift that Gerard had unknowingly given him - the gift of being wanted, which meant more to Frank than any material possession he could ever receive.

You would think that Frank would have experienced situations similar to this before, and in a way, he had, but it had never meant anything to him, because he had paid for them with his body. Even though it was never actually worded that way, Frank knew it was true; a kind word and a free drink was a sign to Frank that he was being buttered up for sex, and no one had ever been sweet to Frank without wanting something more - that was what made Gerard different.

In Frank's mind, Gerard was this entity of goodness, someone told about in storybooks, but never actually existing in real life, and Frank kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, and Gerard to laugh in his face before telling him what a fool he had been to think that he was actually wanted here, but that was just Frank's insecurities kicking in, and he knew Gerard would have already thrown him out if this was some elaborate joke meant to hurt him.

As far as Frank could tell, Gerard's intentions were entirely innocent in nature, and that was a breath of fresh air to someone who lived the life Frank did, where every word and action was calculated to end up in someone's bed.

Frank still felt uncomfortable here though, on edge even, and it was because of Gerard's considerate nature, and his unexplained willingness to let Frank stay without expecting anything in return. People like Gerard didn't do that, people like Gerard shouldn't even look twice at Frank, and even though Frank was used to men being attracted to him, they were never anything like Gerard.

Even when Frank went home with another man, they were usually worse off than Frank, and not just appearance wise. They had nothing left, and it showed in the way they spent their earnings in the bar as their life passed them by, and even though Frank didn't have much, he did still have his youth - like Brendon had said, and he had a chance of things maybe turning around someday, and Frank was foolishly thinking that Gerard might just be that chance.

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