30: Turning Mountains Into Molehills

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Frank stayed in bed with Gerard for hours, the two of them exchanging soft kisses and hushed words as they reacquainted themselves with each other after their long separation.

They kept things chaste per Gerard's request, but even the simple act of having Gerard's lips against his own was borderline euphoric for Frank after going for months without.

They rarely moved from Gerard's room, only once getting up to grab something to eat when Mikey's arrival disrupted their privacy. They had waved off his apologizes for his absence with secret smiles tugging at their mouths, which Mikey seemed to notice although he didn't question them about their uncharacteristic giddiness.

Mikey probably already knew that they had gotten back together anyway, Frank could tell that Mikey was a very insightful person, and it didn't take an expert on body language to figure out that they were much more comfortable with each other than they had been the last time Frank had come over.

Mikey had retired to his room now though, leaving Gerard and Frank free to resume their affectionate actions without company. Frank was currently snuggled against Gerard's side at the moment, enjoying the feeling of being held as Gerard occasionally pressed soft kisses to the crown of Frank's head, the comfortable silence in the air filling Frank with peace as his eyelids began to droop slightly.

But although Frank's limbs were filled with a heady languor and his mind was fogging over with the desire to sleep, his heart was still racing at a hundred miles a minute, his closeness to Gerard feeling akin to brushing his palm against a live wire, but instead of a painful shock, Frank was filled with a surge of love and vitality every time Gerard so much as shifted, his minute movements resonating deep within Frank, keeping him awake and hyper aware while somehow still in a peaceful state all at the same time.

Frank didn't understand how their relationship was wrong, it just didn't make sense to him in this moment. How could something that brought him so much joy be labeled as illegal, how could something so wonderful and life changing potentially sentence Gerard to jail?

If Gerard wasn't his teacher, they wouldn't even have a problem, but yet the world had decided that what they were doing was unacceptable, and as much as Frank wished he could change that, he knew there was nothing he could do besides wait for his graduation date.

Frank would miss being able to go out in public with Gerard, but compared to everything he had gained, it was a small loss. He could always spend time here at Gerard's apartment, or their spot in the woods, and after the months of hardly seeing each other, being able to have the older man's arms around him was akin to Heaven, even if they had to hide behind closed doors for the time being.

"What are you thinking about?" Gerard whispered, a hot puff of air hitting the shell of Frank's ear as he spoke, releasing a small shiver down his spine as he leaned back against Gerard heavily.

"You," Frank answered honestly, a grin overtaking his face when Gerard chuckled gleefully.

"What about me?" Gerard pressed, his hold on Frank tightening by a small fraction as he scooted further down on the mattress, dragging Frank with him until he was practically lying on his chest.

"Mostly just how happy I am that we can do things like this again."

"So am I," Gerard sighed, his nose tickling the back of his neck as he burrowed against Frank suddenly.

"And you?" Frank asked, because he could tell that something was on Gerard's mind by the way his muscles had tensed up and his previous relaxed posture and grown stiff in the past few seconds, the bodily signals saying more than a thousand words ever could.

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