1: The Giant Gay Fiasco

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Frank was drunk - again, which really wasn't anything new; the only exciting thing about this occurrence was that he was at home this time, instead of at his favorite bar, and it was very relaxing getting shitfaced in his own room without having to worry about driving home.

Usually, he didn't really have a choice. His fake id was sketchy, and that was being generous, so he was generally turned away at the liquor store with a rude remark about getting his life together, which he probably deserved.

Frank was only seventeen after all. He really shouldn't be this dependent on alcohol already, but luckily for him, a new guy had been manning the register, and he hadn't glanced twice at Frank's sad attempt for a driver's license.

He never had any problems at the pub though; for some reason, they had no qualms with his forged id. He had made friends with all of the bartenders there by this point, so they never even asked for it anymore.

Frank hadn't been in the mood for company tonight though, which was why he had shut off his phone, ignoring the forty or so odd messages from his best friend Pete. He - of all people, should understand that Frank wanted to be left alone today. It was very fortunate that his adventure into the liquor store had been a success, or else he wouldn't be drunk right now, and Frank needed the alcohol flowing through his bloodstream - especially tonight.

Frank had been ensconced in his room for the last two hours with only his bottle of vodka for company, and that was perfectly okay with him. His mother had gone to bed ages ago, she had to work early in the morning, and she was the last person he wanted to be around - especially today.

Frank was currently contemplating his sad existence in silence since he was too lazy to stand up and turn on some music. That might wake his mother anyway, which was not something he wanted to risk right now, and nothing on television was interesting enough to capture the attention of his fuzzy brain, so why not ponder how he had ended up this way?

Some people can't pinpoint the exact moment that their life began to spiral out of control, sometimes it just happens, and not everyone has a reason for turning to alcohol, or drugs, or whatever vice they chose, but not Frank - Frank knew all too well why he was this way, not that it helped him at all.

It started two years ago, exactly two years ago to the day to be precise. That was the day Frank's father had walked out on them. When you put it that way, it doesn't actually seem too bad; parents get divorced all the time, but that was the beginning of the end for Frank.

His father hadn't walked out for just any old reason, he had been cheating on Frank's mother for ages, but not with a woman - no, it was a man that had captured his father's attention, and even though Frank didn't care about his father's sexuality at all - his mother had.

His mother had no clue that this was coming, and honestly - neither had Frank; not until his father had randomly blurted it out of the blue one day before gathering his stuff and leaving to be with his new lover. Frank understood the way his father was feeling, especially since Frank was gay himself. He hadn't worked up the courage to come out quite yet, but now he never would, at least, not to his mother.

After his father had left, Frank's mother became an avid homosexual hater, blaming all of her problems on the "disease" that had afflicted her husband, and she was insufferable to be around if the topic was ever brought up. Not that she had ever supported it before, she was a very devout Catholic after all, but now she hated gays more than murderers and rapists.

If that was all that had happened though, Frank might have still been okay, but it wasn't. Even though Frank realized he could have it so much worse, he wanted to drown in pity tonight, and there was no one around to tell him to suck it up and get over himself, so Frank wasn't going to.

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