Part 6

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"hey guys! welcome back to my stream! you may have heard already. it today i have paitynn here with me. we answered some questions and goofed around on her stream that ended about an hour ago. she'll probably post an edited version of the stream on her vod channel itspaitynnthompsonvods. mods can you put the link in the chat so people can find it." christian said after starting her stream. "today we are playing jackbox with some of the camboys and karl jacobs. let me join the call."

he joins the call and instantly the headset i'm wearing booms with the sound of someone yelling. i throw the headset off laughing. "who the hell was that?" i ask when i put it back on and leaned towards the mic on christians desk. "man, you really need a mic arm christian. it feels so weird that i can't move the mic to blow out people ear drums with my obnoxious yelling."

that comment caused the call to erupt into laughter. "oh, i still get an answer to my question. who the hell was yelling when we joined the call?" i ask.

"oh uh, that was me. i stubbed my toe when i was trying to sit back down and it hurt like hell." i heard a male voice reply. christians monitor was to far away so i couldn't see who was talking.

"who's me? i can't see who's speaking." i ask.

"crawford collins. it's nice to meet you, or i guess chat with you." the same male voice replies.

"you to crawford. who else is in the call? i need names." i say laughing.

"kevin, reggie, danny, and it looks like we are still waiting for karl to join." christian replied.

"karl who?" i voice asked. i had moved closer so i was able to see the name mango or something like that pop up.

"who the fuck is mango?" i ask.

"that would be me danny. hi paitynn." he replied.

"hi danny!" i reply. "dammit, what is taking karl so long to get here?"

"i must ask again, who's karl?" danny asked.

"karl jacobs. did you not read the message i sent to the gc?" christian asked.

"no i didn't. my phone died like an hour ago and i still haven't plugged it in." danny replied.

"wait, how the hell did you get karl jacobs to agree to stream with you?" crawford asked.

"ok, you guys clearly didn't read the message christian sent and you clearly didn't watch my stream earlier. karl's my best friend." i state.

"how did you met karl?" a new voice asked. i looked over to see it was kevin.

"i'll explain later. for now let's just chat. i'll message karl and tell him to hurry his ass up." i say laughing.


karl hurry the hell up!
we are waiting on you
to join the call!

sorry i forgot about the
i'll join the call now.

"wow! he literally said he forgot about the stream. i'm offended karl jacobs!" i say setting my phone down.

"what the honk paitynn! you really just exposed me!" karl said joining the call.

"i'm sorry karl! you said you forgot about me! i had to tell chat what was going on!"

"i hate you paitynn! streaks. don't hit me up. going dark. only the real ones know." karl says dramatically leaving the call after.

We Used To Be Friends - Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now