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I woke up to loud shouting coming from downstairs, I looked around me and found that I was still in the same bedroom as I was last night

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I woke up to loud shouting coming from downstairs, I looked around me and found that I was still in the same bedroom as I was last night. 'It wasn't a dream I guess,' I said to myself.

I jumped up out of bed and as soon as I did pain shot through my legs and sides, the pain felt so foreign from when I was sleeping that I had forgot it ever happened. I fell to the ground and laid there until the pain subsided.

I slowly walk towards the door and open it a little, I saw a slight of light and the voices were a bit louder, I couldn't quite make out what they were saying though. It definitely wasn't English, maybe French or Italian or Spanish? that's all I know, I let out a sigh and shut my door quietly and sat on the edge of the bed. The yelling had subsided and I smiled, I got off the bed and went to reach for the door when someone opened it fast causing me to fall on the floor.

I looked up and saw Easton with a worried look on his face, and he held his hand out. I took his hand and he helped me up off the ground carefully, "Are you okay, I didn't know you would be there?" He asked, helping me off of the ground.

"I'm alright," I said smiling. I looked up at him and he was already looking at me.

"I was wondering if I could go home. Or if I could just borrow a phone and call someone to pick me up. I also really wanted to say thank you again, it means a lot to me that a stranger helped," I said biting my lip nervously.

He looked down at me, "I told you, you dont have to thank me, I would never let someone beat on a woman no matter what the circumstances were. Plus we aren't really strangers remember, you bumped into me a several days ago."

"Several days ago?" I question.

"That same day I was down on the East side and you ran right into me." He says blankly. I think to myself, not really remembering it. I nervously bite my lip when I realize I must've been sleeping longer than I originally thought. Not like Trevor would care.

He took his hand and puts it out reaching for my face. I flinch back, close my eyes, and cover my face with my arms. When I don't feel anything I open my eyes and let my arms down. He's standing there watching me, studying my every move.

"I never got your name before, My name is Easton Salvetti." He took his hand off my face and held it out to me.

I smiled and shook his hand, "My names Lyla O'Brien."

Something in his eyes glistened as I said my name but it was instantly covered "Well come on then, I'll take you home," He stated walking out.

I  walked over to the bed and remade it quickly before meeting him downstairs at the front door, as soon as he opened the door I looked outside and I could see how beautiful the whole front yard was. My eyes widened seeing tall tree and lots of flowers with a fountain in the middle of the drive way, I was in awe of the whole place in general.

As I walked down the stairs to the house I looked back and could see the beauty of the outside of his house which was as pretty as the inside. I smiled and continued my descent. A car was waiting at the bottom and Easton opened the door for me.

I climb into the vehicle and Easton circles around climbing into the drivers seat. He drives around and the gates to the road open and we drive out. I look out the window in awe until he says, "So where do you live?"

I sigh when I realize we have to actually go there, "I live down on the east side," I say shyly.

He snaps his head towards me and questions' "Why do you live there, it's so rough." I frown at the thought of when I had to move there 2 years ago and I just shrug not wanting to answer.

He touches my hand and I flinch and look at him, "I'm not judging Lyla, I gotta stop and pick something up can you wait?" He pulls over and I nod as he gets out of the car.  A couple minutes later, he jumps back into the car and the back door opens and another man jumps in. I turn around and smile at him.

He looks over at Easton and smirks, instantly I see Easton glare at him as he starts to drive off again. "Hi I'm Lyla" I say softly.

He chuckles, "The names Joey. I think we are gonna get along just fine." He has a thick New York accent.

We pull up to my house and I look to Easton, "Thank you for everything Easton," I smile. I turn to Joey and wave him goodbye before getting out of the car.

I walk up to the door and right as I open the door Trevor opens it and throws a beer bottle straight at me, "Where the fuck have you been bitch," he screams.

I dodge the beer bottle and it smashes on the pavement. He staggers out of the house and throws me down on the porch. "I'm sorry," I mutter as he stands in front of me.

"You're sorry, what the fuck is that supposed to mean," He says before turning his head.

"What the fuck are you looking at, keep moving." He yells and I look to where he's yelling and I see Joey, who looks mad, and then I see Easton jump out of his car and run towards us with daggers in his eyes.

I watch as Easton's fist collides with Trevor jaw, "Trevor you fucker," he yells before I watch in horror he takes a gun out of the back of his pants and puts it in Trevor's mouth.

"E-easton he-yy, I go-t your mone-y ins-ide," he stutters.

I watch as Joey puts a hand on Easton's shoulder and they have a few words, then Easton sticks the gun away. Easton looks towards me and gets up putting his gun away and yells towards Trevor, "If I ever see you again, or you come near her, I swear to fucking god I'll put a bullet in your head."

I watch as he kneels down to me and whispers, "Do you need anything from here, you're not coming back," I nod my and he helps me up and I run into the house. I climb the stairs and go into my room.

I take out a duffle bag and start stuffing my clothes form my closet  into it. I take out the shoe box from the very back of my closet and set it gently into the bag before turning around seeing Easton standing there.

I dont know why but he saved me. I got up and hugged him, his body was tense when wrapped my arms around him. He whispers, "I won't let anyone hurt you."

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