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A sense of belonging

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A sense of belonging. That is what I felt when I was around Easton. I could tell that he had a hard exterior but when that broke open just by a bit, I could see the kind man he was underneath. A knight in shining armour that has saved me twice now, and has offered me shelter, a place I can call home.

I smile looking out the window. It has only been 20 minutes since Easton had saved me from Trevor, and Joey has been making me laugh every since. I had only met Joey an hour ago and he has already made me feel comfortable the whole time. I look over at Easton and I can see a tiny smile creeping onto his face.

"So yeah, that's how Easton and I ended up in Jail." Joey says laughing. I giggle and I can hear a chuckle from a certain emotionless face. We slowly pull up to the gate at Easton's house and the gate opens allowing us in. Easton parks the car and Joey runs out and opens the door for me, I laugh and he gives me his hand to help me get out, "What a perfect gentleman" I say and lightly hit his shoulder.

Joey's expression changes when he looks over the car, and he looks down. I look towards Easton who is now glaring at us as he walks up the steps. I grab my bag and whisper to Joey who is walking beside me, "Did I do something?" He shakes his head. "I've known Easton forever, he's never acted like this, he's always been selfish. Be careful Lyla, he's a bad guy and sooner or later he'll show that." He staggers behind while I walk through the front doors of Easton's house. Joey never makes it to the house which worried me.

I walk towards Easton who is looking at his phone, "Hey," I say quietly.

"What do you want," He grumbles. I look down and ask, "Did you change your mind about me-" before I can finish my sentence he turns around and places his hand under my chin and makes me look up at him, "Don't be foolish." He slowly strokes my cheek with his thumb and I slightly blush.

"Come on you must be hungry, what can I make you?" He asks as he removes his hand from my chin and practically drags me into the kitchen.

"I'll have whatever you're having. But I thought you had maids that made your food." I say standing in the middle of the kitchen as he starts to search around.

"Oh them, no those were my parents, they left a little earlier back to their home." He says turning to me, "grilled cheese?"

I smile and nodded. After several minutes he finishes up and hands me a plate. "Thank you Easton."

"No problem Dolcezza." I watch as he walks out of the kitchen, he turns and says, "Are you coming or?"

I smile and walk behind him, we end up in the living room and I sit on one side of the couch and he sits on the other. We both finish eating and I can feel his stare burning through the side of my head. "So-," before I can finish my sentence Easton get up from his spot and holds his hand out, "You can come closer Lyla, I dont bite, unless you want me to," He winks and I laugh and scoot closer to him.

"Tell me about yourself, I wanna get to know you," I say leaning back into the most comfortable couch ever.

"How about 20 questions, then we both get to ask something?" He suggests and I nod my head.

"Favourite colour?" I ask

"Green, Favourite Hobby?"

"I really like to read, I could do it all day. Endless love or endless money?"

"Love, I already have money," he answers, " bungee jumping, or skydiving?"

"Sky diving." I say letting the thought of freefalling invade my mind

For the next several hours me ask each other stupid questions and by the end of the night I feel like I've known him for years, I learned that Easton is the heir to his fathers mafia, he's a mama's boy, he bought and designed his house. He's traveled around the world with his father doing business, and so much more.

Violent people like Trevor scare me, but If he was going to hurt me, I think he would of already.

His phone starts to ring and he holds up a finger for me to wait, "No no it's fine im really tired, thank you for everything Easton." I smile as I get up from the couch. I hear him answer his phone as I reach the top of the stairs, and his voice is silenced by the time I shut my bedroom door.

I smile seeing my duffle bag on the bed and I slowly start to unzip in. I take my clothing out and fold them before stacking them on the bed. I look around the room and spot a door, that im guessing is the closet. I open it, to find more girl clothes here. 'Kind of weird' I think to myself but I put my clothes on one of the shelves.

I take out my shoe box and place it on the bed before putting the empty duffle bag on the floor. I climb under the sheets and open the box. I smile taking out the pictures, I hold the first one in my hand and analyze it.

It's a picture of who I've always assumed is my father. He looks tall and has brown hair like me. I'm just a baby, I dont look much older than a month. The picture is taken from above, he's sitting on a couch looking down at me in his arms, I can't see much about him for features. When I was younger, my Aunt Corra gave me the picture and since then I've always looked at it.

I smile as I continue going through the pictures of me and my mom, she was the sweetest and kindest person I knew and I wish I could of had more time with her. A tear slipped down my face and I wiped it away with my sleeve. I took the last picture out and put the rest into the box.

The picture was my mom laughing and behind her a man wrapped his arms around her waist and his head was against her neck. She looked so happy, and I can't wait till the day I can be like her.

I put the picture of them on my night stand standing up against the lamp, I smiled turning to the picture before turning the lamp off, letting the room be consumed by the darkness.

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