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3 years later

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3 years later

I jolted up from a nightmare, laying in bed, not moving an inch. It's been 3 years, today makes 3 years. For the past three years, I had dreaded waking up, I dreaded the months passing and the way I ran into October like a brick wall.

3 years of heartbreak. 3 years of torture. 3 years since I lost a piece of me.

I sit up and look over at the other side of my bed. Her spot. I look away quickly and get up, it's too painful to relive.

It hadn't gotten better.

I walked into the closet, avoiding looking at her clothes that hung still, the same position that they were left in.

I grab the clothes I need before walking out quickly. I still haven't gotten used to sleeping alone, the bed feels empty most of the time.

I look down at the ring that hangs on the chain around my neck while I button up my shirt. My heart stings with pain, "happy birthday my love."

The silver ring on my left hand had not left since the day after her funeral, a promise to keep her forever, to someday allow us both to wear ours together.

So much had happened in the past 3 years, all without her by my side.

Megan disappeared a month after Lyla's funeral, no one has talked to her since.

Dante has ignored anything I have said, other than work.

Axel has stayed close by, watching over me, as he is making sure I don't do anything stupid. I know he's doing it for her, making sure I'm okay.

I put my tie on, grabbing my jacket, before walking out of my room. I make my way downstairs Axel is sitting on the couch.

"Let's go."

I didn't wait for a reply, nor for him to get off the couch. I made my way to the vehicle waiting for me, sliding into the car.

I slide some sunglasses over my face, shielding my eyes from the rest of the world.

"We don't have to train them today Easton, I know today is-" Axel starts.

"Shut the fuck up," I grumbled.

"We could talk about her if you want," he mumbled.

I could feel the anger flowing through my veins, talk about her? As if I didn't lose anything, as if she had only just left me as if we were still under the same sky.

I would not take my built-up anger out on Axel, I restrained myself from yelling or punching him, no matter how much I wanted to.

As soon as the vehicle pulled to a stop, I was out. The toxic energy that was held within vehicles didn't help, only made me wish I was a step closer to being with her again.

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