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I jolted up from a nightmare as thunder roars and rain hits my bedroom window

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I jolted up from a nightmare as thunder roars and rain hits my bedroom window. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, my room dark with my nightmares dancing all around me. My chest squeezes from the thoughts of earlier slowly draining out of my mind. I look to my clock to see the time and it shows, 3:04 am, I slowly close my eyes and let the darkness consume me once again.

The sound of my alarm blaring in my ears as I open my eyes and get up out of bed. Yawning as I open my blinds and look outside, 'It looks so beautiful today,' I think as I walk towards my closet. I grab a white hoodie and black ripped jeans and walk towards the bathroom. I let the water emerse my skin and let the dreams of last night slowly go down the drain.

I step out of the shower and wrap my towel around me and look to the mirror. On my right shoulder a purple and black blotchy bruise has appeared as a result from the day prior. I let out a heavy sigh, and pulled my hoodie over my head. I brush my shoulder length brown hair and put it into a ponytail before I brush my teeth. I applied mascara before descending down the stairs. I look into the living room and see Trevor passed out on the couch with liquor bottles littering the table.

I quietly make it towards the door but not before a hand grabs my right shoulder, and I shriek in pain. "Where the fuck do you think you're going," Trevor yells, and I flinch back. I don't bother answering, he won't remember anyways. I push his hand off me, opening the door, grabbing my shoes, and slamming it behind me. I let out a sigh of relief when he doesn't come out to chase after me.

I smile as the sun hits my face and I look back at the house. On the rough side of town it is probably one of the better ones I've seen, but it still has the broken windows with boarding on the front, along with the wood starting to chip off the sides. It makes it look pretty much abandoned. It's not much, but it is still shelter. As I'm busy looking at the house I accidentally bump into someone, I look up at him to apologize. His blue eyes are piercing replicates of the ocean, and he has a scowl on his face, "Watch where the fuck you're going," he says as he moves away. I mumble out a sorry before walking onward, as I turn back, I see him staring at me, which makes me walk a little faster out of sight. No one on this side of town is nice or decent.

I look towards the apartments which can be seen from this side of town, and set my sights on getting to Megan's quickly. After a 15 minute walk I am right down town, I smile at the doorman who gives me a smile and a wave. I walk through the lobby and go straight to the elevator and press the 38th floor and in no time it starts going up. As the doors open I run down the hall to Megan's apartment and knock repeatedly. My smile becomes wide as she opens the door and I engulf her into a hug.

She shrieks , "I've missed you so much!"

I laugh and come in the door closing it behind me.

All day Megan and I sit within her apartment and laugh about stories from when we were little and watch movies. Luckily we have known each other forever, she's the closest thing I have to a family that I love. All my happiest memories she was there for.

We talk and talk until the sun goes down and she gets a call, she motions for me to wait a minute as she takes the call in another room. I smile and continue watching the movie. Megan walks back in and tells me, "I'm so sorry Lyla but that was work, it's something important and I have to go out for a bit, you're welcome to stay," she exclaims.

"Megan it's fine, I had a lot of fun today. More than I've had in a long time, but I really should get going, it's getting late." I stand up and she hugs me tightly.

"You have to come over again really soon." I smile and nod my head.

I fold the blanket that I was using and set it on the couch and walk towards the door while Megan is in her bedroom. I yell, "Bye Megan, call me soon!"

I open the door and walk out, shutting it behind me. I make my way towards the elevator and press the button to go down. I wait a couple minutes and the familiar ring happens and the elevator doors open. I walk in and press the main floor and the elevator starts it's descend down. I walk out the doors of her apartment complex and wave goodbye to the door man who smiled and tipped his hat.

It is getting colder by the second and with the only light I have is by street lights which keep flickering, gives me an eerie feeling. I turn the corner and see a group of drunk businessmen, I let out a sigh and move partially onto the road. I dont want any interaction that could cause some harm more than what Trevor has done. When passing them I look at my feet but someone stands in front of me, I look up and find myself face to face with one of the men while the others watch amused by the situation.

"What'sa pretttty girl like you doin out here all alone," He says slurring his words and I sigh trying to walk past him. He grabs my wrist and yells "Don't walk away from me."

He is much bigger than me and I don't think I would be able to fight him off. His friends crowd around us. I look around me, 'I have no way to escape,' I think as I start to panic. "Get away from me," I yell as one of them grabs my ass. I shriek and turn around and kick him as hard as I can, and he falls to the ground.

They all look at me stunted until the guy on the ground yells "Get that bitch and teach her a lesson." Two of the men grab my arms and drag me into the alley while the rest follow behind. I kick and scream but my screams are muffled by a hand over my mouth.

I bite down on his hand and he yells, within seconds my jaw is filled with pain as he punches me clean across my right side. I cry out in pain and the man who I kicked comes up to me with a smirk, "Looks like I gotta teach you a lesson, little lady."

My eyes widen, before I can say anything he punches me in the face repeatedly. My legs become jelly and I hear him say "Drop her on the ground."

Immense pain makes its way across my body as he starts to kick me in the stomach. I scream and lay on the ground barley conscious. My sight is blurry and I can see the guy crouching down towards my face. Out of no where I hear a loud roar "What the fuck is happening here." Mr. Drunk man stands up and stutters but I can't see what's happening, I slowly go into the void of darkness as I feel my body being picked up.

For days I've been putting this together and I thought that I would share the first 3 chapters of Easton and Lyla's story with everyone.
I've fallen in love with these characters.
Please, any feedback is greatly appreciated!
I hope you fall in love with the book as much as I have!


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