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Over the past week, Easton has been nothing but gentle, his speech, his touch, everything

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Over the past week, Easton has been nothing but gentle, his speech, his touch, everything. I have felt his eyes on me more than his words, he's always watching as if he will miss something if he looks away.

"She's gonna get fat if you keep feeding her mounds of food like that Ly," he suggested from the other side of the kitchen.

Lily had gotten a lot healthier since she had come home with us, she was such a happy puppy, always running around the house. She had taken such a liking to Easton, always following him around, it was the cutest thing.

He was currently watching as I laid on the floor with her, she had just finished eating and was taking a nap. Whenever anyone came over, she just loved the attention.

Everything over the past week had been perfect, I have never been happier. Every day I fell more in love with Easton, nothing could ever compare to the feeling he gives me.

"Okay, baby come on, you're gonna fall asleep on the floor," he spoke as he stood in front of me, it was only mid-afternoon but she tired me out.

"How about I just sleep here," I suggested.

Did he let me? No.

I felt myself being lifted off the ground, my head falling against his chest. I had no energy to fight him, so I relaxed into him.

"Watch Lily," he demanded to Axel, who was sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Yeah, okay," he spoke, not looking up from his phone.

I felt myself being lowered onto the softness of his bed, one of my favourite places, and then the heat of his body left me. Until it once again graced my skin, first by his hand on my arm, and then my whole body being pulled against his.

I found comfort in his arms, even at the worst of times, they were my safe place.

I fell asleep almost as soon as he had held me against his body, yet I woke up without him, a small note beside my pillow,

Dear Ly,

You looked so peaceful sleeping, I didn't want to wake you.

There was an emergency that needed my attention, and Axel had to come with me. I didn't want to leave you alone so Brian is in the house. If you need anything I am a phone call away love. I will be back as soon as possible, maybe take Lily to see the garden while I'm gone. I promise to not be too long.

I love you.


I placed the note on the side table and grabbed the bottle of water, taking a sip from it before hoisting myself out from under the covers.

When I opened the bedroom door, Lily was curled up outside, her ears perking up when she saw me, she must've only gotten here after Easton left because her bed is in our room. It took a whole 5 minutes to convince Easton to let her stay in our room, close to me.

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