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I slowly open my eyes feeling the sunlight on my face and voices whispering

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I slowly open my eyes feeling the sunlight on my face and voices whispering. I sit up and see Joey in the room talking to Easton. "What's going on," I mumble pulling the covers over my face.

"See now you've woken her up Joey," I hear and I smile to myself. Before I know it, I hear the door shut and feel a dip on the side of the bed.

The covers slowly get removed from my face, Easton's thumb caresses my cheek and pushes my hair out of my face. "I have work to do, but you should go back to sleep Lyla, it's only 7:30." I nod my head and snuggle back into the bed, I hear the soft chuckle of his voice before the squeak of the door shutting.

I yawn and put my arm under my pillow before slowly falling into the void of sleep.


I roll over for the 17th time and look at the clock, 2:08pm. What a great time to get up. I slowly peal myself from the most comfortable bed in the world and walk to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and strip myself down before stepping in letting the water rinse all my worries away.

10 minutes later I step out and grab some blue leggings before throwing on Easton's hoodie. It may be huge on me, but it is so comfortable. I walk out of my room and see Dante coming up the stairs, "Yo Lyla, right?" I nod my head and he says, "Easton wants to see you in his office," turning and walking away from me.

"Dante!" I yell after him, he turns around, "I don't know where that is."

"Over there, third door," he points on the other side of upstairs.

"Thank you," I say smiling and he turns away making a descent for the stairs. I walk around to the door and gently knock.

I hear a low voice telling me to come in and I open the door a bit. Peek my head inside the door, I see him sitting at his desk look at a bunch of papers. There is a pack on cigarettes sitting on his desk and a full ash tray. I walk in closing the door behind me and smile, he looks up from the papers and instantly stands up when he sees me.

He's dressed in a navy blue suit and a white dress shirt, "Lyla come in don't just stand there."

I make my way over to him and he comes around his desk to stand in front of me. He puts his hand under my chin and makes me look up at him, "that sweater looks good on you Chica." He said and then cleared his throat, "But anyways I wanted to ask you if you would accompany me to a end of summer get together that my father holds every year, with his connections from around the world."

I smile and nod my head, " I would love to Easton."

He nods and takes his hand in mine. "We should probably practice a dance then." He picks up a remote and music starts playing, he puts his other hand on my waist and I wrap my hand around the back of his neck.

I look up at him, "I don't really know how to dance Easton," I hear his addicting chuckle and he whispers, "Neither do I." We slowly start to move together around the room, with the occasional stepping on his foot. I keep eye contact with him, and I can feel my soul melting by his gaze.

He takes his hand off my waist and spins me. He brings me back close to his body, and bows my body downward. He brings his face close to mine, our lips inches apart. He leans closer and grazes his lips on mine before whispering, "Do you want this Lyla?"

The way he says my name could bring me do my knees, his touch sends fire through my body. I let my hand move on its own up to the side of his face, I nod my head and whisper softly, "yes." I watch as his eyes soften and a smile forms on his lips, as he leans in close.

The door swings open, "Boss there's a pro-" Dante cuts himself off as soon as he walks into the room, "I'm sorry, am I interrupting, he says with a smirk across his face.

Easton whips arounds and puts me back on both feet. "No Dante, what do you want," he asks annoyingly.

"Everyone is downstairs ready for the meeting," he says bowing his head and leaves the room leaving the door open.

Easton turns back to me running his hand through his hair, "We will continue this later," he says smirking at me. I hit him and laugh, walking out of his office. I can sense him walking closely behind me, I feel his hands wrap around my waist and breath on my neck. He slowly backs away as we reach the stairs and he walks beside me.

I watch his facial expression change as he looks into the living room. I look in the same direction, a dozen men sit on the couch all dressed in black. I see Joey, Dante and Axe, I move towards the kitchen door when I hear a familiar in the living room.

I turn around and spot her coming through the front door glaring at Axe, "Axe stop star-" before she can even finish her sentence I tackle her to the ground and scream, "Megan!"

"Ly oh my god, what are you doing here," she laughs pulling me into a hug.

She lets go and we both lay on the floor I sigh and say, "It's a long story, I'll tell you later, what are you doing here?"

I hear Axe whisper, "Are we about to watch live lesbian porn?"

I hear her scream, "Axe if you don't shut the fuck up, I will stab you. Don't temp me." She turns back to me, "I'm here for a meeting with these fools," she points.

I look over and I see an amused looking Easton, I stick my arm up and flip him off before getting off of the floor and helping Megan up.

I walk towards the door of the kitchen and enter it, I look behind me and watch as Easton stalks towards to me. I quietly shriek and hide behind the door. I watch as it opens and he walks in looking for me, he looks confused until the door shuts and he spots me. He takes two strides and he is almost on top of me, "Do you have something to say to me Lyla?" He questions as he encages my body with his.

"Nope," I say popping the p. He smirks and turns, I can feel his hot breath against my neck,"We will see about that later bellissima." (Gorgeous)

With that he leaves me alone in the kitchen with my thoughts.

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