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Over the past couple of days that I have lived in Easton's house, I haven't seen him that much, only a couple times after dinner

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Over the past couple of days that I have lived in Easton's house, I haven't seen him that much, only a couple times after dinner. And he hasn't made any move to talk to me. I've tried to keep my distance from him because I don't want to get on his bad side, but it's hard when I've already started to develop feelings for him.

I'm laying in my bed watching a movie when my door quickly opens and shots, I sit up and see Joey standing by the door, "Lyla!"

He runs and jumps on the bed like a child and hugs me. I laugh and pull the covers up to my neck seems I am without a shirt. I see his eyes widen and he gets off the bed and instantly apologizes, which I just laugh at. "East wanted me to ask if you wanted to join everyone downstairs for drinks and pizza or something."

I look at him confused, "How many people are we talking about Joey." He gives me an eerie look and whispers, "lots."

I shake my head and laugh at him being immature, "Tell him thank you for the offer, but I'm okay just staying here." He gives me a thumbs up and walks to the door, he opens it and looks to the left of the hall, "Nah dude she said no."

I smile and snuggle back into my pillow and focus on the movie, before I can do anything Easton throws the blankets off me, I shriek, "What are you doing!"

He looks at me and then scans down my body, he looks back at me and winks before turning away. I take my pillow and throw it at him, "Pervert." The pillow hits him on the back of his head and he whips around and stalks close to me. He wraps his arm around my waist and lifts my face up to his with his other hand.

I can feel my cheeks heating up as our lips are an inch apart. He smirks and whispers, "I know you don't mind." I bite the inside of my cheek and he sets me down. He walks out of my room and seconds later he throws a hoodie at me. I hold it up looking at how big it is and stand up.

"This is way too big for me, it's gonna go to my knees, what do I even need it for?"

He looks at me as I throw it over my head and as predicted it is way too big. "Come downstairs." that all he says as he turns to walk away.

I yell back at him, "I don't want to." And with that he turns back around and walks up to me. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, I hit his back with fists and I can hear him chuckle. I mumble, "Not funny." Before I know it he drops me down on the floor and I stand up turning around.

I look at the couch and see lots of mean staring and hearing conversations stop. Joey has an amused look on his face as he says, "Look who decided to join us."

I bite my lip not knowing what to do, I look up at Easton who clears his throat and says, "Everyone this is Lyla, be nice." I smiled looking to Joey who was waving his hand for me to join him on the couch.

Before I can sit down beside him a hand taps me on the shoulder, I turn around and there is a tall man with cold eyes and a darker emotion radiating from his demeanor, he holds his hand out, "Dante." His hand is rough and I give him a small smile before saying, "Nice to meet you."

Joey pulls me down to the spot beside him on the couch, I whisper, "Is he always that cold?" Joey simply nods. I can feel my stomach growl from hunger, and I make my way from the living room to the kitchen. I see the pizza boxes littered all over the counters and I grab plate putting two slices on the plate. I turn around and bump into someone, I quickly apologize, as he looks me up and down.

I bite my lip and the towering figure whispers to me, "They call me Axe, wanna get out of here and have some real fun."

I look at him disgusted and shake my head before pushing past him. He doesn't advance any father which gives me relief. I make my way towards the couch and plop down beside Joey. Everyone is in conversation and I'm laughing at Joey who is making jokes about everyone in the room. I see Easton come in front of Joey, "Move."

"Dude there's a seat over there, why can't you just sit there." Joey whines and Easton gives him a stern look. I hear Joey let out a sigh and he gets up. Easton sits down beside me and steals a slice of pizza off my plate.

"Hey!" I practically yell. He looks at me and chuckles as he scarfs down one of the two slices I had. He holds out his beer to me and I shake my head, "I don't drink."

He pushes it into my hand, I sigh in defeat and take a drink of it. As soon as the beer hits my throat I scrunch up my face, I push it back into his hand and shake my head.

A couple hours later everyone is still on the couch and we are all laughing. I feel like we have been a big group of friends for the longest amount of time. Axe keeps looking over at me and smirking which only causes me to move closer against Easton. Easton looks down and mumbles, "What's wrong." His eyes follow mine and I look up at him, if glares could kill, Axe would be dead.

I look around the room and I can tell I'm probably the only one that is sober. Dante, Joey and a couple others left a while ago. Out of nowhere Axe stands up and points at Easton, "You got a nice piece of ass there, are you not going to share E." I can feel Easton's arm wrap around my waist and he pulls me closer to him. "Axe, shut the fuck up before I do something I'll regret." Axe smirks and walks out of the room.

I look to Easton and whisper, "I'm tired I think I'm just gonna go up to bed." I move to get up and Easton pulls me back, "Just sleep here, bella."

"What's up with you lately, I thought we were connecting." I say staring at him.

He puts his hand against my face and caresses my cheek with his knuckles, "I'm no good for you Lyla, but you're all I can think about."

I sit beside him dumbfounded. What did he just say? I bite my lip and stare at him, he gives me a stern look and uses his thumb to release my lip. "Do I make you nervous Lyla?" I don't answer him, looking away I feel my cheeks heat up.

I feel his lips graze my neck. His touch leaves my skin burning, and all I crave is more.

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