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She is sheer perfection

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She is sheer perfection

I woke up twenty minutes ago and she is still asleep on my chest, let me tell you, I fucking hate anyone that touches me, but her. She could bring me to my knees with a smile. I can feel her steady breathing against me.

These past few weeks I might've not have been around her, but I was definitely thinking about her and that's hard to admit. There is something about her that has me, I don't know what it is but it's addicting.

There's fucking something wrong with me

Once she woke up I offered for her to come in the shower with me, I knew she would reject it, but just to see the light in her eyes was enough for me. The thoughts of her immersed me within the shower and I found my mind drifting back to last night. Her moan was my new favourite sound.

The minute I got out of the shower, I was graced with the presence of her naked body as she reached for her shirt.

I couldn't help myself but stare at her, "you got some drool coming out of your mouth there Easton," I heard her laugh. That addicting laugh.

As if my legs had a mind of their own I stalked over to her and pulled her into a kiss, my arms traced down her waist while I picked her up. The only thing keeping me from fucking her right there was the meeting at the warehouse.

Pulling away from her I could see her cheeks heat up, "come with me today?" I ask coming out more as a statement. After her agreeing I go into my closet and choose out a suit for the meeting. When I return from the closet I see her heading to the door, I spot her red thong laying on my side and pick it up. Red is definitely attractive on her, I walk behind her as she reaches the door and hold them in front of her.

I can tell she's embarrassed, when she slips out of my room. I sigh and lean against my door, I never thought this would happen, I feel weak. I've never felt something so deep, I'm getting lost in her. And it isn't right, that joy doesn't belong within the darkness of this lifestyle. But I can't help it if every time she smiles, I feel her joy enter my lungs.

Weaknesses don't belong here, especially not near the people whom I deal with on a daily business.

I walk out of my bedroom and into the kitchen, I throw my phone on the counter and look within the fridge for something to eat. I hear my phone ring, look at the caller id before I pick it up,


"Easton they're here, and they aren't happy." I hear Dante say.

"What the fuck do you mean they aren't happy, we are having the meeting to talk about territory, they should be fucking happy that I'm even considering giving them any inch of our land." I run my hands through my hair as I yell into the phone.

"William doesn't seem happy, he's pacing the conference room, I'd say get here fast before he kills us all." Dante states.

I hang up and throw my phone at the counter, I should be the one to be mad not William. He is the man who fucked up his own drug trade.

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