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I smile at myself in the mirror and I make sure that my dress is on right

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I smile at myself in the mirror and I make sure that my dress is on right. Megan opens the door and walks in, "come on Lyla, you look beautiful, there is nothing to worry about." She takes my hand and starts to pull me towards the door.

"Are you sure, what if something goes wrong?" I asked as I feel anxiety overwhelm me.

She stops pulling and turns to me, "Lyla. You look like a badass bitch. There is a very handsome man waiting at the bottom of the stairs, he's waiting for you to make an appearance for him, now don't keep him waiting a second longer." I sigh knowing that she's right.

She kisses my cheek and whispers for me to have tonight. I nod my head and slowly walk out the door and towards the stairs. I look towards the bottom and see him. Easton has all black on, black dress pants, a black long sleeve dress shirt and a black suit jacket that he was holding in his arm. His face was scrunched up as he was looking at his phone.

I started my descent down the stairs watching him, he still hadn't looked up yet, and I was getting very worried. Out of no where I hear Megan yell from the balcony, "Easton, dumbfuck, Look up."

I watch as he looks up at her with anger. He the turns his face in m direction and I instantly see his face soften and his eyes widen, I give him a small smile while standing on the stairs. As I come closer to him, I slip and trip forwards, I let out a small shriek, closing my eyes and feel someone's arms around me.

I open my eyes and I'm in Easton's arms he chuckles and whispers, "falling for me already I see."

He sets me on the ground but holds me by my waist, "You look beautiful Ly." I blush at his words and we start to make our way towards the front door. He holds his arm out once we get to the stairs outside, "don't want you falling for anyone else now." He smirks as I hook my arm onto his and smile at him.

At the bottom of the stairs there is a limo waiting and he opens the door for me, I slip into the limo and he gets in after me. The limo starts driving off while I stare out the window. I look over at Easton and smile as he takes my hand and places it in his. I feel his lips softly kiss my knuckles before he sets our hands back on the seat and caresses mine with his. I can't help but realize how our hands fit together.

After a short drive, I watch as we pull into a courtyard. I smile at Easton and he grips my hand tightly. The limo comes to a stop and Easton's door is opened for him, he gets out and puts his hand out for me. I gratefully take it and he helps me out of the limo.

I look around at the architecture of the outside of the building as we start ascending up the stairs. "Wait until you see the inside L," Easton whispers to me.

Entering the building is like every fairytale I have ever read. The whole place reminds me of the 1900's. As we make our way inside, some men talk to Easton and then we are escorted into a room full of people. There is an upstairs that looks over the floor, and there is at least 500 people.

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