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Choices. We all have them. It sucks. The worst part about it is that I have to choose mine.


The only word that can describe the situation.

We just found another HYDRA base. I had my suit on and my hair up in a ponytail.

 I had my suit on and my hair up in a ponytail

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I heard the announcer. "Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack." Ooh. I think someone's scared of the Avengers. I mean, we were in the process of infiltrating a HYDRA base in Sokovia. We were making our way through the woods and fighting soldiers.

"Shit!" I heard Tony say.

"Language! JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?" Dad said.


"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've take." JARVIS said.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." Tera said.

"At long last" is lasting a little long." Natasha said.

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint said. "Yeah no shit." Lila remarked.

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language?"" Tony said. THANK YOU! FINALLY SOMEONE ACKNOWLEDGED IT!

"I know." We were on our motorcycles and dad threw his at the soldiers on the truck. "It just slipped out."

We continued fighting our way. I heard static come from Lila's side. I hope she's okay. The only thing I could hear from her thing was a thick accent.

"You didn't see that coming?"

It didn't matter to me. I ran down the side to where Lila was. As I was running I felt an impact and fell. "We have an enhanced in the field." Dad said, helping me up.

"Clint's hit!" Natasha said. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker." I then heard growling. "Thank you."

A group of soldiers came my way and I started to attack each of them. "Stark, we really need to get inside." I said.

"I'm closing in. JARVIS, am I...closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?"

"There's a particle wave below the north tower." JARVIS answered.

"Great, I wanna poke it with something." I saw an explosion in the distance. "Drawbridge is down, people."

"The enhanced?" Tera asked me. "He's a blur. All the new player's we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't." I replied.

"Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac." Natasha said.


"I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better. Both of you secure the scepter." Thor said to me and dad.

"Okay." I said at the same time Dad said "Copy that."

"It looks like they're lining up." Tera said. I'm sure she was referring to the approaching soldiers in their HYDRA tank.

"Well, they're excited." Thor then pounded on dads shield with his hammer and resulted with a wave of force knocking down all the soldiers and me.

"Find the scepter." Thor said. Tera nodded and they flew off.

Tony scoffed. Dad was next to me. It was my opportunity. "Come on Stark! Watch your gosh dang language!" Tony laughed. "Nice kid."

Dad sighed. "That's not going away anytime soon."

"You bet it's not." I said.

I continued to fight soldiers. One of them had a knife and was close to my neck. It terrified me. He threw me against the tree and almost cut me. I heard Natasha on the radio. "We're locked down out here."

"Then get to Banner, time for a lullaby."

I didn't even have to look to know Barry rolled his eyes. I grabbed the man by the legs and threw him against a tree. I ran inside the HYDRA base and found Strucker.

"Baron Strucker. Hydra's number one thug. Pretty sick haircut." I said.

"Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD."

"Cool. I don't care. Now um..I'm supposed to ask you about Loki's scepter."

"Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope."

I laughed. "Listen I know a couple things you don't."

He scoffed. "Really? Like what?"

"Well." I pointed back. "I know that there is a boy and a woman back there. I don't know..mother...sister...au-" I then was pushed back by some magical force and fell 12ft to the ground. Lila was heading up the stairs when she saw me. She giggled.

"You know..you shouldn't ha-"

"I know. I shouldn't have said anything." I quickly pulled up my arm even thought it hurt and talked into my earpiece. "Yo yo yo homies so basically we have a third and fourth enhanced. A boy and girl.DO NOT ENGAGE!"

Strucker looked down from the balcony to me and Lila. "You'll have to be faster than--" Lila then shot him with her arrow.

"We got Strucker." Lila said.

"Yeah, I got... something bigger." Morgan said. Typical Morgan Stark. Always tries to make her thing bigger than everyone else's.

I then heard more static on her side. The last thing I heard was the same thick accent.

"We're just gonna let them take it?"

"We're just gonna let them take it?"

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875 words

I'm sorry guys for the slow updates...anyways we are starting with AGE OF ULTRON!!!! Also:

anyways we are starting with AGE OF ULTRON!!!! Also:

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