8 - Wild Goose Chase

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Dad and I were now in our suits. We walked into an apartment. There was a mattress with disheveled covers and various bits of cheap furniture.  The kitchen and bedroom was in the same room.  Dad found a notebook on top of the fridge. There were tabs of various colors. Sticking out from the pages.

"Heads up, Cap. German Special Forces, approaching from the south." Sam said on the radio.

"Understood." I turned around and sure enough. There was Bucky. "Do you know me?" Dad asked. Bucky stared at him. "You're Steve. I read about you in a museum."

"They've set the perimeter." Sam warned.

"I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying." I looked at dad. Did he really have to provoke him?

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore."

"They're entering the building." Sam said again. "Dad we need to go. Like now!" I said.

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive." He ignored me and continued talking to Bucky. 

"That's smart. Good strategy."

"They're on the roof. I'm compromised." Sam spoke.

"Dad!" I yelled. I could hear the Cops running upstairs.

"This doesn't have end in a fight, Buck."

" It always ends in a fight."

"5 seconds!" Sam said.

" I have a question! I mean since no one wants to leave. I heard you pulled me out of the river. Why?" I questioned.

"I don't know!" Bucky answered.

"3 seconds!" Sam said.

"Yes, you do." Dad said.

"Breach! Breach! Breach!" Sam yelled. A grenade crashed through the window. Bucky kicked dad and he smothered it with the shield. 

"Schieß die Tür auf!" The cops slammed the batting ram against the door. Bucky shielded himself with the mattress against an attack from the window. I dived and hid by dad. He blocked the door with a table. I realized I should probably help. I pulled a rug from under a policeman, which sent him flying. Bucky slammed a policeman against the wall.

"Buck, stop! You're gonna kill someone." Dad yelled.

"No shit Sherlock!" I yelled back. Bucky slammed dad down on the ground and punched a hole in the floor. "I'm not gonna kill anyone."

Bucky grabbed a backpack from under the floorboards and threw it out the window. The three of us got behind dads shield to avoid gunfire. Bucky shoved dad and he knocked a cop over. Bucky held up his metal hand to repel bullets, then slammed a cop into the shelves. Bucky punched through a wall by the door. A cop descended through a sky- light on a zip wire. Bucky grabbed a cop's gun and slammed him in the wall. Bucky bashed a couple more cops with a battering ram. More of the police team hurried up the stairwell. Bucky jumped on the zip line guy and and swung down the level.

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