3 - Monster

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"I'm a monster." I walked in the living room to see Billy curling up, his legs buried in his chest. "No your not." I said, trying to comfort him.

"You don't know that. You didn't see me today. The news is talking about me and mom."

"So? It's not that bad." That was a lie, but I didn't want his to feel bad. He rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Yeah right."

"So....that happened." Barry was standing in the door way.


"Did you see the n-"


I looked at both of them. They looked at each other. Tommy came in with an apple in his hand. "Heyo!" He ruffled Billy's hair. "Hey bro-ham. What we talking about?"

"Tommy if you're gonna speak please use proper English." Barry said.

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Okay mom. What ARE we talking about?"

"Oh nothing. Just how me and mom are monsters." Billy said. "We murdered a heck lot of people without realizing it. It makes me sick just thinking about how many people I could have hurt alone."

"Wow..sucks to be you." Tommy said.

I punched him in the shoulder. "Ow!"

"What he means is that that's horrible but think about how many people you helped!"

"The answer is -2."

"How could you only help -2 people? It's not plausible. Unless they were already dead." Barry said . I gave him a look that said 'scientific stuff isn't needed right now'.

"How about we lighten the mood!" Tommy said, noticing mr and Barry looking at each other.

"How about a sitcom?"

"Ooh...how about Duck Van Dyke?" Billy asked. "No wait...ICarly. Yeah. Let's what ICarly.

So it was settled. We spent the past hour watching ICarly. It was very entertaining. As we were watching, Vision came through the wall. "Just to let you kids know, Mr. Stark would like to speak with you. The meeting is very shortly."

Steve POV

"11 Wakandans were among those killed during a confrontation between the Avengers and a group of mercenaries in Lagos, Nigeria, last month. The traditionally reclusive Wakandans were on an outreach mission in Lagos when the attack occurred." One News Anchor said. They were talking about the Lagos attack.

"Our people's blood is spilled on foreign soil. Not only because of the actions of criminals, but by the indifference of those pledged to stop them. Victory at the expense of the innocent, is no victory at all." King T'Chaka said.

"The Wakanda king went on to . . ." I shut the news off from my computer, yet I still heard it being played.

"They are operating outside and above the international law. Because that's the reality, if we don't respond to acts like these." I found Wanda on her bed, watching the news.

"What legal authority does an enhanced individual like Wanda Maximoff have to operate in Nigeri -" I grabbed the remote and turned the Tv off. Wanda didn't need to hear about her being a terrorist. Cause she's not. I leaned on the door frame.

"It's my fault." She said.

"That's not true." I replied.

"Turn the TV back on. They're being very specific."

"I should've clocked that bomb vest long before you had to deal with it." I walked over to her. "Rumlow said "Bucky" and . . . all of a sudden I was a 16-year-old kid again, in Brooklyn." I sat beside her on the bed. "And people died. It's on me."

"It's on both of us."

"This job . . . we try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody. But if we can't find a way to live with that, next time . . . maybe nobody gets saved." She looked down. I could tell she wasn't happy about it. What would her kids think of her? What would Brooklyn think of me? We're known as terrorists in Sokovia.

Vision then materialized through the wall. He decided to interrupt our little conversation. "Vis! We talked about this." She said.

"Yes, but the door was open so I assumed that . . ." He gestured to the door and stopped. "Captain Rogers wished to know when Mr. Stark was arriving." He said. I mean, he wasn't wrong.

"Thank you. We'll be right down." I said.

"I'll . . . use the door. Oh, and apparently, he's brought a guest."

"We know who it is?"

"The Secretary of State."

723 Words

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Sorry this one was short!

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