9 - so you like cats?

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Billy POV

I'm honestly scared for Brooklyn. Her father is a psychopath. I shouldn't be thinking about it but I am. I mean.. at least her father is a decent cook...

Vision and Tommy were in the kitchen cooking food. Me and Mom walked in to hang with them. I think mom likes Vision but I can't seem to figure out why. I tried to read her mind, but nothing.

Anyways. As I walked in, I smelt something amazing.

"Is that paprikash?" I asked. "I thought it might . . . lift both of your spirits." Vision said in his weird JARVIS voice. Mom chuckled as she stirred the ingredients with the spoon. She lifted the spoon to her lips, blew and tasted it. She then smiled. "Spirits lifted."

"In my defense, I haven't actually ever . . . eaten anything before, so . . ."

"May I?"

"Please. Wanda?"


"No one dislikes you, Wanda."

"He's right mom. Their just you know..." Tommy started. He made facial expressions that I personally couldn't make out. "Thanks?" She said.

"Oh, you're welcome. No, it's a . . . involuntary response in their amygdala. They can't help but be afraid of you."

"Yeah...what he said." Tommy quickly added. I chuckled at my brothers stupidity.

"Are you guys?" Mom asked.


I hugged mom. "Of course not mom. If anything I'm scared." She smiled and hugged me back. "My amygdala is synthetic, so . . . " Vision added. Mom laughed. It was honestly good to see her smile.

"I used to think of myself one way. But after this . . . " Her fingers started to glow. "I am something else. I'm still me, I think, but . . . that's not what everyone else

Vision touched the mind stone on his forehead. "Do you know, I don't know what this is?" It started to glow. "Not really. I know it's not of this world, that it powered Loki's staff, gave you your abilities, but . . . its true nature is a mystery. And yet, it is part of me."

"Are you afraid of it?" I asked.

"I wish to understand it. The more I do, the less it controls me. One day . . . who knows? I may even control it."

Mom looked around. "I don't know what's in this but it is not paprika. I'm gonna go to the store. I'll be back in 20 minutes."

"How about pizza?" I suggested. "Great idea!" Mom hugged me tight, kissed me on the forehead, and we started to walk when Vision stopped us.

"Alternatively, we could order the pizza?"

"Vision, are you not letting us leave?" Mom asked. He blocked our way. "It is a question of safety."

"We can protect ourselves." I said. He grabbed moms arm. "Not yours. Mr. Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the Accords are on a . . . more secured foundation."

"And what do you want?"

"For people to see you . . . as I do." Vision said. I looked at him gravely.


Steve POV


The traffic rolled around the victory column. T'Challa was driving an SUV with me in the front and Sam behind me. I had to think. I needed to get Brooklyn back. And Bucky. But one person at a time.

But how?

"So, you like cats?" Sam asked.


"What? Dude shows up dressed like a cat and you don't wanna know more?"

"Your suit . . . t's Vibranium?" I asked.

His eyes narrowed as he glanced sideways. "The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle, passed from warrior to warrior. And now, because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So, I ask you . . . as both warrior and king . . . how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?"

Was that a threat?

I kept on trying to think about Bucky but I could only think about Brooklyn. Where is she? How is she? Is she hurt?

But most importantly, am I able to get to her before Bucky or Tony?

673 words

I'm sorry this is a short chapter. I wrote that really long one and I needed a short chill one. I apologize!

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