Chapter 1 | Met a jerk

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Shit! Shit! Shit!
Its been three hours and I have not yet prepared the content for my zonal competition. Miss D'souza,my class teacher sent me details of the competition three hours ago but here I am ,not able to prepare the content.
The topic assigned to me is 'Social Media' and I have to speak in favor of the topic. The problem is I can only think of bad points.

Ahhh! Life sucks.

I did it. Yes i made my content.I just hope it gets approved by my senior English teacher.

After my daily boring routine I slept and thought of those scenarios, yeah the one which are never going to happen.


Step 1-Wake up.
Step 2-Take a shower.
Step 3-Drink milk.
Step 4-Take your bagpack.
Step 5-Off to school
Step 6- Return home
Step 7- Do home work
Step 8- Watch Netflix
Step 9- Dinner
Step 10- Sleep

15 days later

Today is my zonal competition. I am nervous as well as excited. I just hope it goes smooth.

I jumped on my school bus which is now going to another school. Whole time my eyes were outside the window watching people and my mind kept on rehearsaling my content.

The bus stopped and I looked forward.Wow ! St. Teresa School. So here is my zonal competition. I moved out of the bus and followed the teachers.

This school is so beautiful and two times large than ours. I just couldn't keep my eyes off the building.
We then entered inside and trust me the insides of the building are as beautiful as outsides.

Wow the boys are all so handsome,some playing basketball while others football.

Ahem! Control your hormones Advika.

But why are they staring me?

"You prick.They are not staring at you, you are staring at them",my inner voice said.

I quickly shifted my eyes off them.


"Contestent number 12 and 13",the judge said.

Wait that's me. Its my turn. Shit! But where is my opponent? Ohh there she is. We had an eye-to-eye conversation and nodded at each other.

I started speaking first. Because those who are in favor of the topic are the one to begin the debate.

'Today I contestant number 12, am going to air my views in favor of the motion Social Media....................'

It was all going good but all of a sudden I stucked at a word.

Dead! I am dead.

R. U. I. N. E. D

Tears started rolling down my eyes.How can I forget my lines and stuck at a word.

I said Thankyou to the audience and moved back at my seat.

I feel embarrassed and can't stop crying. I thought I would make our school, Elena Public School's reputation high and everyone's mouth will drop. But I spoiled it. I created a mess.

Once the winners were announced I ran out of the hall. I dunno but I just couldn't stop crying.

I bumped into someone. Shit! When I raised my head, my eyes met with brown chocolate coloured eyes.

There was not even an inch of space between us and I could see every feature of his face clearly.
His scent was so stong that I think I will smell like him for the next one week. There was sweat on his forehead. Maybe he was playing basketball. His eyes were so deep that I got lost into them.His lips were so full that one can never get tired of kissing him.

I said 'SORRY' in a low voice but neither of us moved.

All of a sudden he pushed me and I went straight flying towards the ground.

But from here I could see his body. He was so fit like those actors in Bollywood. His body was so well defined.
I wonder how tall is he? I am looking a 5 years old kid in front of him despite the fact that I am 15 years old. He must be 6'2.

He frowned and turned his back towards me.

What a jerk!

Well he looks sexy from the back side too. He is a senior definitely. Must be in 12th standard.

Advika get some control on yourselves.

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