Chapter 50 | Meant To Be

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With a deep breath, I started reading the words written on the page.

Dear Advika,
Yesterday Kritika came back. Yes Yesterday, because it's past midnight and I am writing this now. It was not surprising though until she told me about the seriousness of my disease. I lose my mind. I don't know how to tell Advika this in person. But it''s just... I don't have much time to live. I never knew this cancer would turn this serious. I thought I was all good. She made my life so beautiful. Beautiful to the point, I left smoking but maybe it was too late to give up on smoking. I need some time to tell her this but I promise I won't hide it..

I couldn't read the next lines because my vision got so blurred. He had cancer? He.. hee didn't tell mee. Why? Why in the world did he hide it? I flipped one page after another. Knowing so many things I didn't. He carried me to the hospital? He kept on keeping an eye on me? Asim knew everything all along?

Dear Advika,
You know sometimes unexpected things happen. Like today, when I was walking in the corridor, I overheard Kritika's conversation with Advi. You will probably laugh on the fate God has blessed us with. That day, when I fell in love at first sight with a girl on that bridge and I thought she was Kritika. All this time I thought she was my first love but she wasn't. That girl who said,"Life is a movie directed by God, we are just actors", was not Kritika. She was Advika. It's too ironical, she saved my life that day and now that I am dying I can't even face her. I have decided. I am going to tell her everything today at Kritika's party. I hope she comes....

I covered my mouth with my hand in shock. He..hee.. was the guy whoo...whooo.. I recalled the memories of that day.

21 February, 2007

"Happy Birthday to you", everyone clapped their hands when I blowed the candles of the cake.

"What is your wish?", my mom said.

"Umm. If I tell you it won't be fulfilled", I made a puppy face. My parents and sister laughed.

"I want an Anywhere Door", I wished silently and gritted my teeth.

"Okay! Okay! So where does my daughter want to go today on her birthday?", my father bended to my height.

"Whole Delhi", I jumped around him.

"Whole Delhi? Am I your driver or tourist guide?", my father put his hands on his waist.

"Anything today honey", my mother picked me in her arms. "Oh my God! You have grown so much. You really are 12 now.

With that we wandered around here and there. Looking at each and every little thing. Night came near.

"Mom let's go there", I pointed at a place from my car window.

"That place is quite isolated. Will it be okay to go there? It's almost night time", my mother said while my father was parking his car.

"It's okay! We are safe. This place is under construction. After 4-5 years it will turn into a great bridge", dad said.

We wandered around the place and then my eyes landed on a boy sitting on the edge of a bridge. He looked a little elder by me. I went to him.

"What are you doing?", I asked.

He didn't respond. It seemed like he was crying. His eyes were wet. He didn't even look at me.

"Don't cry. Every thing will be fine." Still not a reply.

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