Chapter 41 | Mister Talented

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"And I win again", I start dancing around the room. I won over him for around 78 times. He is such a loser in cards.

"This is unfair!", he shouted.

"How is this unfair. You have lose 78 times. Accept it", I smirked.

"I am not some gambler. I haven't played this game ever. So it's unfair of you to win", he said.

"Hypocrite. You were the one who was proud of winning video games when I didn't even hold the remote for once in my life", I stood on my knees on the bed.

He too stood on the bed like me,"So it's even then. You didn't win any of the match of cards today and I didn't win any video game match that day."

"Okay fine", I started collecting the cards and put them back in the case.

"Advika", he called my name.

I looked back at the bed and he was lying there his head on support of his left hand.

A small laugh left my mouth,"You are looking like a mermaid."

"Fuck mermaid. Come here", he said in a husky voice.

I didn't move. Does he have some evil intentions? He wants to complete that wish?

"Come on. Be a good girl. Come here", he asked me again to come to him.

Okay daddy. Eew! Fuck my diry mind. I moved and stood infront of him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him. I fell on my back to the bed and his face above mine. I could see his face in upside down direction, same goes for him.

He then changed his position now that his body was just above mine and we could see each other clearly.

He crashed his lips upon mine into a soft but passionate kiss. It lasted for a few seconds though. Not that I am complaining.

"Now I can go back home in peace", he smiled and raised up.

"BYE", I waved at him but instead of waving back he came back, grabbed my waist and kissed me hard.

A moan left my mouth and I could feel him smiling. I kissed him back with equal passion, cupping his cheeks.

My other hand found its way to his hair while his hands moved a little down my waist. Umm now grabbing my hips. Why does that feel so awkward. All this is first time for me. A gasp left my mouth for the same.

I pulled away from the kiss and looked at him. "You're the first guy whom I have let so much close to me."

"I know", he said in a low but sexy tone.

"Advikaaaa", I quickly pushed away Ronit once I heard mom's voice.

"Yes mom", I smiled awkwardly.

"What are you doing?", she looked at the person behind me.

I looked back and he was laying on the bed in a humorously awkward way.

He raised up from the bed and said,"BYE aunty see you some other day."

God! He is an antique piece.

Last Sunday of November

We have done almost everything on my list. Getting wet in rain. Bike Ride. Video Games. Playing cards. Bus Ride. Gurudwara and so many things. Let's see which wish he is gonna complete of mine today.

It's night time already and he hasn't contacted or messaged. What's up with him today?

I think I should go to bed early. Maybe he is bored of completing my stupid wishes.

I was sleeping when I heard some thump sounds from my window. Maybe it's because of tiredness of studying. I ignored it and drifted to sleep.

Knock knock!

I hear it again. I quickly took a mosquito racket and hid behind my window, secretly opening it for the guest at late night. Is it a thief or a ghost?

Once the person entered through my window, I hit his head with the racket.

"Ouch Advika. It's me", a familiar voice winced in pain. Ronit? What is he doing at such a late hour?

I threw the racket aside and started massaging his head,"I am sorry. I didn't know it was you."

"Ouch! Silly girl. Dumbo. Idiot", he cursed at me.

"I am silly? Dumb? Idiot?", I took the racket and this time hit his shoulders right to left.

"Okay okay sorry sorry", he ran to save his life from me.

"Shh. Don't make noise. Everyone is sleeping", I calmed him down.

"Let's escape from here. We have to do so many things tonight", he said in a very very low voice that I could barely listen it but thank god for my lip reading speciality.

"Where are we going?", I asked.

"We will go to a bar, get you your first drink, walk in the streets. See how talented I am. Three wishes in one day", he started bragging about his greatness.

"Mr. Talented, it's three wishes in one night", I slapped my forehead.

"So dress up!"

Okay. So what should I wear? I took out a dress from my closet and went in the washroom to change clothes.

"Ahem!", I coughed to grab the busy man's attention from phone to me.

He definitely liked it because he couldn't  look anywhere else, his eyes were stucked at me.

"Change it", he looked back at the phone.

"Why?", I asked looking at myself in the mirror.

"It's too revealing", he said looking at my reflection in mirror.

"Like seriously? This is nothing. You roam with girls who don't even wear anything", I scoffed.

"You're different from them. I don't want guys to look at you so change", he is being too possessive but I like it.

I took other dresses and kept on showing him one after another.

"Your legs."

"Your shoulders."

"Your curves are visible."

"Too old fashioned."

"Too short."

"Your waist."

"Too much flesh revealing."

"I don't like the colour."

God! There is not even a single dress I am able to finalize till now. He keeps on passing comments on each and every dress. I left a deep heavy sigh.

"This is good?", I came out in a jeans and top.

"Perfect!", he stood up from the bed and patted my shoulders.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You are unbelievable", I shook my head in denial.

"I know. But I care for you. The boys in the bar are too drunk. They don't care about whose sister or girl friend you are. They will just try to get in your pants. So I am taking precautions in advance. I don't want those jerks to even look at my girlfriend", he explained his over protectiveness. I nodded.

That 'my girlfriend' made my heart skip a beat.

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