Chapter 34 | Turn On

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I sneaked in my own house like a thief because I was afraid that mom will scold me.

There was no one in the house so I sighed and suddenly a voice came. "So where were you?"

Mom. Damn! This is going to be my last day of life.

"Zara's house", it more sounded like I was questioning myself.

"Advika I am your mother. You know you can tell me anything and everything", she said.

One day or other she will know. So it's better she knows in advance. "Mom,I like a guy."

"Ronit?", she screamed so loud that my ears started bleeding.

"How did you know?", I asked surprised.

"I like that guy too. He is the heir of GB groups. My daughter will become a princess. So when are you going to marry?", she looked so much happy.

"Mom! I am just 17 and you want to marry me off. And we are not going to get married. We are not in a relationship yet", I rolled my eyes.

Is she kidding me right now? She has no problem that her daughter is seeing a guy. Am I not dreaming? Yeah she is open minded but I thought there will be family issues and so much stuff in my love journey.

2 minutes silence for me please.

"I will become the in laws of Bhatias. But don't think I will go easy on you. You have to study hard and make your identity too. What if his parents think you love him because of his money?", she kept her hand on her heart.

"Mom!!!!! We don't love each other. You're thinking of too far", I shouted.

"Okay okay. Maybe I became too much excited. Go study", she said.

I was going in my room when she shouted,"I am always there for your help."

God. She is something. Now I understand where I got all the weirdness from. But she has a point what if Ronit's mom doesn't accept me. What The Fudge!! Why am I even thinking about marriage.

Once my classes ended I was going to the library to return the books I took to study. But there I saw Ronit coming from the opposite direction.

His eyes met mine and he smiled at me which made my heart flutter and I lose control on myself. The books fell and so did I. He came running to me and gave a sharp glare to me,"Why are you clumsy?"

I started collecting the books and he helped me in the same. "Hand me the rest books", I said.

"No! What if you fall again. I will carry these with you", he said.

I nodded and looked around only to find everyone staring at us. Shit!

I put the books in their respective spots. Once I was done I looked at him and found him already looking at me. Fuck. Fuck. I looked away and heard him cursing under his breath. He came towards me,"You have no idea how beautiful you are."

"You think so", I smiled at him.

"I know so", he made a goofy face and pulled me by my waist. I encircled my hands around his neck.

"Hmm", I bit my lower lip.

"Don't do that", he whispered in my ear.

"Why?", I bit it once again.

"Because that is a turn on for me", he looked down between us.

I looked down and suddenly moved away realizing what he meant. He left a small laugh shaking his head.

I was completing my assignments when a message from Ronit popped up- What are you doing?

Missing you. But I typed - Completing my assignments :)

Look down from your balcony for a moment. That made my heart beat rush. I ran to my balcony looking for him. But he wasn't there.

I typed- But i can't see you.

Then his message came- When did I say I am downstairs :)

I left it seen. Is he teasing me right now.

"Were you missing me so much", I am now even hearing his voice.

I just ignored. Wait! Was that really his voice? I turned my head to the source of voice. I can now even see him. I rubbed my eyes and looked at him again. It's really him? I went towards him and pinched his hand.

"Ouch", he winced in pain. It's really him. "Why did you pinch me?"

"To check if I was dreaming or not", I answered.

"So you should have pinch yourselves", he said angrily.

"Okay okay. Let it go. Let it go. You tell me how did you came up?", I snapped my fingers.

"By climbing using stairs", he gritted.

"But when I looked down there was no ladder", I suspected.

"Actually when I asked you to look down I was downstairs only but didn't know how to come up but then I saw a ladder so I ran to take it and you unfortunately looked down at that moment", he explained himself.

Okay so he means to say he originally wanted to surprise me. Omg why is he so cute.....

I smiled and said,"Thankyou for coming."

Minutes passed and we were looking at each other then I said,"Leave now. What if mom comes. She has already started buying clothes for our marriage."

He started laughing,"Really?"

"Hmm", I laughed with him.

"Okay give me a kiss and I will go", he closed his eyes and brought his half side of face closer to mine

I kissed his cheek and then he said,"Uh. Here also", he then looked in opposite direction offering his other cheek to me. I gave him a kiss there too.

He opened his eyes and said,"A kiss on lips would be appreciated even more."

I blushed, looked down and bit my lip. He brought his mouth closer to mine and then with his thumb opened my mouth and shoved his tongue in.

This gave me different vibes. Different sparks.

Something I never felt before.

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