Chapter 27 | Rain Romance

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Ronit how could you do this to me? I thought you put on an act but you really are a heartless monster. I should hate you to death. I want to hate you but I can't hate you.

It's been three hours to that incident and I still can't stop crying out my eyes. Did he really mean that? But what if he was faking it in front of Asim. Maybe he doesn't want people to know about us. Jeez! Is there even anything between us?

My mind is going to explode. He was so clear and loud that I shouldn't imagine things between us just because of a kiss. Did that kiss mean nothing to him? After all he is a playboy. Why did I even think about him and I together. He uses girls throw them like toys, this is what he is.

My instincts were wrong about him being actually nice. My heart kept on lying to me. My stupid heart fell for his acts! I am still a stupid nobody who gets used by people.

"Were you imagining things?"

"Why won't I?"

"I don't care."

"Hug him, kiss him or better fuck him!"

"Come on lemme taste your lips!"

"Thank god I didn't fuck you otherwise you would have dreamed about marrying me."

His laughs, his harshful words kept on echoing again and again.

It's been 3 weeks to that incident. He has never showed up in college after that. I need some peace and there is only one place which can make my mind calm. Signature Bridge.

Mom dad won't allow me to go outside at night, I think I have to escape under their nose. Gosh what am I thinking. I can't go without informing, they will get worried if they don't found me around.

"Mom I have to buy some guide books. I am leaving", I lied. Sorry mom!

"You can buy them tomorrow", she said.

"They are important, I have to buy now", I said in a serious tone.

"If you don't return early I will throw you out of the house",she said pointing a knife on me.

I laughed and went. Shit! I don't have my scooter. Does that mean I have to walk? The fuck!

I was walking when it suddenly started pouring. Gosh I don't have an umbrella. I can't turn my way back to house now as I am almost at the bridge. I decided to walk in rain as it's only a matter of few steps and yeah I finally made it here.

There is no one to be seen here. People must have left because of rain. Only few cars were passing by and I am the stupid crazy bitch standing here alone in rain.

"You'll catch cold, young lady", an old lady was running but then stopped seeing me getting drenched and ran away.

The weather was getting terrible but I loved it. I loved it when the drops were falling hard on my skin. It hurt a little though but I loved it. It's like I am getting what I deserve. I am good for nothing. People hate me or use me. I am just a nobody. I don't have my own entity.

Maybe the God and his angels are pitying on me from heaven. The clouds were raging. The lightning roared. I started feeling cold but it felt nice. There was not a single car but a girl, a lonely girl ,me on an empty bridge crying for the life I got.

I could hear someone's footsteps approaching me in a hurry but I could care less. It was only when they covered me with their jacket from behind that I got back to life. He was breathing heavily, finally relieved that he achieved something. He stood face to face with me. I could see him, only him, Ronit.

"Have you lost your mind"?,he shook my shoulders harshly but I was lost in his eyes.

"Advika! What if something happened to you? What about me? Have you ever thought what would my life be without you",he shouted. He is really Ronit or a I imagining again. He looked as heartbroken as I were. His eyes were red. He looked horrible and devastated.

"I don't want you to be gone away from me. I was being a dick to you and I know it. I was scared, scared about what if Asim steals you away from me like he stole Kate but you're not her. You are Advika, my Advika. I don't want to give you up. I don't want to let you go. I want you to love me. I want to be loved by you. Please don't hate me. I am sorry for everything", he pulled me towards himself and hugged me tightly.

I didn't know when I shed tears listening to him. I was right, he was acting back then at my house. So it's because of her. His ex girlfriend, Kate.

Someone will consider me a love sick for this but I hugged him back with equal passion. My heart knew it somewhere he is the one for me. I felt so warm and safe in his arms.

He was reeking of alcohol and I could even smell smoke but I din't complain. I moved away from the hug and he wiped away my tears then I tried to give him a peck on his forehead but I couldn't reach till there, so he gave a small laugh and picked me by my ass. I kissed him there and he closed his eyes.

If this was a scene in a movie, the younger me would have made a cringe face and say,'She is falling in his trap. Gosh she fell for a bad boy's tricks. He will leave her after taking her advantage' but now I can't help but fall for him. I don't care what people will think about me believing a playboy. I am ready to take the risk because my heart has decided to be with him no matter what. My heart trusts him. Even if his love is temporary I won't stop loving him.

You're making me nuts for you! I am falling for you. I really am head over heels for you.

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